The new Hyundai Genesis 2015 will be able to text its driver

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Mr. Miles Johnson, the official speech person for Hyundai recently stated that the company is thinking about producing a high performance model of the luxurious model, the Genesis 2015.

As we already know, the Genesis 2015 is the first model produced by Hyundai which gets the HTRAC all wheels driving system. This system balances power between the front and rear axis as needed. But according to prior statements by Hyundai, this new all wheels driving system will not be available except for V8 engines.

Fortunately, the new HTRAC system will find its way to the V8 engines with 5 L capacities through “focusing on high performance”, as Johnson said. He also added, “We believe there is a true need for such system on the market nowadays”. It also should be noted that this productions did not get the green light from the head of the corporate till now.

Johnson added, in case permissions are given to start with production, this new system will see the light next spring in Detroit.

Hyundai also shed some light on the new entertainment system called BlueLink, which will be found in the Genesis model. This new system will give the car the ability to send a text message to the driver is several cases. For instance, the car will send a text message that tells the driver he should use remote ignition when the weather is cold or hot, it will also remind the driver about any upcoming repair schedules so he can schedule and reserve through a mobile application. The car will also be able to go through the owner’s to-do list searching for appointments and important dates, and in case an important appointment is close, it will sent a text message to the driver to remind him about this appointment. The brilliant thing here is that the car will send the message sooner if it finds the road crowded and try to make time for it. Finally, the car will also be able to text the emergency numbers in case of any road accident automatically.

We believe the new systems announced by Hyundai seem to be very promising and it will absolutely add a lot to the driving experience. We will be waiting for the release of the new Hyundai Genesis 2015 which is expected to be produced later this year with an initial price lower than SR 150,000.




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