A new campaign to drive safely in Dubai

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Dubai Roads and Transports Authority in Dubai cooperates with “Michelin”, the famous well respected name in tires manufacturing industry to launch its new campaign to raise the safety standards on the roads of Dubai by bringing the issue of tires safety to the surface.

The campaign contained the introduction of an awareness poster introduced in AL-Barsha registration office in Dubai which aims to reduce the number of traffic accidents on the city streets and also to reduce the number of failing in passing the annual cars tests because of tires problems. the campaign which was held over the course of two days, witnessed a large crowd of drivers who got educated about the five steps of checking their vehicles tires before hitting the roads.

The awareness poster focuses on several aspects including:

How to check your tires condition, including the air pressure and surface integrity as the wear out of the sides of a tier unevenly can be a signaling sign that you need to repair your tires. You also need to check if any cracks are found on the tires. And to make sure the thickness of your tires exceeds 1.6 mm. and finally check that your tire is still within its validity period of 5 years from making date as specified in UAE rules.

Checking fluids levels including brakes oil level, plus checking brakes lights.

Checking the windshield integrity as it can get fragile with time and more brone to be broken. using officially approved tint has also been stressed so it won’t affect sight during driving.

Checking the integrity of external lights.

Checking the exhaust as it needs to comply with the standards of emissions levels

Michelin official, Hany Abdelsamad, said: “We are proud of this positive partnership with RDA in this campaign and this is one of the initiatives for raising awareness of drivers in Dubai which educates drivers about simple measures they can follow for the purpose of avoiding big troubles and accidents”.

It also worth mentioning that Michelin had launched other safety campaigns including their “Michelin Man Academy” which they directed to students.

Finally, we are truly happy to see such campaigns taking place on the soil of UAE as this type of campaigns helps to save lives and raise awareness. We also hope to see other campaigns taking place on regular bases with a rich safety related content and wider reach to promote safety.

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