New Camera Devices to be Installed in Dubai to Control Traffic Violations

New Camera Devices Installed in Dubai

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The motorists in Dubai need to be careful because new camera devices will be installed in Dubai to enhance the monitoring standards of Dubai Traffic Police and record traffic violations in a more efficient way. These devices will be installed under the new program ‘The Supervisor’, Al-Motabea’a (in Arabic) which is a new initiative of the Dubai Traffic Authorities. The whole program is highly advanced and based on sophisticated automated systems. Through the new camera devices, the violations will be caught fast and offenders will be tracked with ease.

70 New Devices to be Installed in Dubai

The Dubai traffic police will install 70 new camera devices to supervise motorists under this program. According to the director of the command and control at Dubai police, Lt. Colonel Khazraj Majed Al Khazraji, the new devices will help in controlling traffic violations in a better way and he told that these new devices will be installed at important locations of Dubai which were approved by the commander-in-chief of Dubai Police, Lt Gen Khamis Mattar.

Also read: 112 Traffic Deaths in First Half of 2016 in Dubai

How the New Camera Devices will Operate?

The new camera devices are like cylindrical radars and can operate automatically. These devices are capable of performing various tasks. They can highlight color and type of the cars involved in violations. These devices can record complete data which can also be extracted quickly. These radars will work automatically and independently without any human intervention.

The new devices are equipped with advanced technology, can monitor vehicles automatically and issue alarm to the command and control room when a violation occurs. The location will also be tracked by these devices that will help traffic police to easily reach the violation site and seize the vehicle.

How Careful the Motorists Must Be

The deployment of new camera radars in Dubai will make it tough for motorists to avoid penalties on traffic violations. The new devices will track the violations quickly and notify the Traffic Police in no time to catch the offenders and penalize them. This is why motorists must focus on driving carefully to avoid violations and in turn the strict penalties.

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