Multiple Faults in the Dodge Charger

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The Dodge is one brand in the automobile arena that has garnered rave reviews world over due to the quality of the vehicles that are supplied off the line. The Charger in particular has done really well for the company albeit being a sibling to other iconic models like the Challenger as well as others from the impressive fleet of parent company Chrysler Group.

Despite all the positives that can be listed for the Dodge Charger, getting it in the used car market, one should be wary of a few minuses it brings to its rap sheet. The automobile was recalled by its parent company numerous times for different faults that it had exhibited out there.

The 2015 Dodge Charger SRT was recalled due to a faulty fuel delivery system. The models that were equipped with 6.2 liter V8 engines have glitches in the components that deliver fuel leading to leakages in the system. This is a great fire hazard and as such it would be prudent for one to strongly consider car disposal before all they have are smoldering remains.

Other problems in the Charger include faulty air bag deployment in the 2011-2012 editions, automatic transmission components that are prone to fracture in the 2013 models as well as a failing alternator in the 2011-2014 models.

Assessing car value while you still can is a pretty viable option so that you can rid yourself of this problematic automobile.

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