Motorists Warned Against Using Hazard Lights in Fog

Motorists Warned Against Using Hazard Lights in Fog

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Abu Dhabi Police has warned motorists against using hazard lights while driving in dense fog. Motorists commonly use hazard lights to have a clearer view of the road in low visibility conditions, however, it can confuse other motorists who will have no idea about the direction the driver will turn to or if there is an emergency ahead.

Authorities have launched several campaigns in the recent past to make motorists aware of the risks of using hazard lights in fog yet many motorists still commit this dangerous driving mistake on Abu Dhabi roads. Considering it as a serious safety risk, authorities have issued a strict warning against using hazard lights in fog and reminded motorists of hefty penalties for this offence.

Also read: Dense Fog Hits the UAE – Everything You Need to Know about Driving Safely in Foggy Conditions

Details of the Warning Issued by Authorities

Traffic authorities have warned motorists against using hazard lights inappropriately as it can prove to have dangerous consequences, particularly in foggy conditions. Authorities have explained that the hazard lights should only be used to indicate others when a vehicle is parked on the right or left shoulder of the road or to notify other drivers about an accident ahead. Abu Dhabi Police has posted a video on its Twitter Handle to educate motorists about the correct use of hazard lights.

Traffic authorities have taken several steps to improve the road safety situation during foggy weather. Last year, authorities banned lorries and heavy vehicles from driving in the city during low visibility conditions. A few days ago, authorities decided to reduce speed limits in low visibility conditions to eliminate the risk of dangerous road accidents caused by over-speeding.

Also read: Speed Limits to be reduced during Low Visibility Conditions in Abu Dhabi

Penalties for Using Hazard Lights Incorrectly

Authorities have reminded motorists of hefty penalties for using hazard lights in fog, which can distract other drivers. The penalties for this dangerous traffic violation include a hefty fine of AED 500 and 4 black points.

Driving Safely in Foggy Conditions

Driving in fog is not easy by any means and the ordeal becomes even bigger for young drivers with little or no experience of driving in such conditions. It is important for motorists to adopt a defensive driving approach and maintain 100% attention on the road to avoid a dangerous road accident in foggy conditions.

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لتعزيز السلامة على الطرق ..شرطة أبوظبي تنفذ حملة توعية بالقيادة الآمنة أثناء الضباب . .  تنفذ شرطة أبوظبي حملة توعية للسائقين  ومستخدمي الطريق بالإجراءات والتدابير الوقائية أثناء تشكل الضباب، لتعزيز السلامة على الطرق. وتأتي الحملة ضمن جهود اللجنة المشتركة للسلامة المرورية في إمارة أبوظبي، بالتنسيق مع  دائرة النقل، وتنفذ الحملة مديرية المرور والدوريات بقطاع العمليات المركزية وإدارة الإعلام الأمني بقطاع شؤون القيادة . وأكد العميد خليفة محمد الخييلي مدير مديرية المرور والدوريات، أهمية التوعية بالقيادة الآمنة والحد من الأخطاء التي يرتكبها السائقين أثناء الضباب، والتي قد تؤدي الى وقوع حوادث مرورية “فردية ومتتابعة” بين المركبات ينتج عنها وفيات وإصابات بليغة. وأوضح أن الاجراءات الوقائية أثناء الضباب تشمل نشر الرسائل التحذيرية عبر المنظومة الوطنية للإنذار المبكر، وإرشادات مرورية على الأبراج الذكية بتوخي الحيطة والحذر، والحالة المرورية على الطرقات، وتحذير السائقين خصوصاً في حالة وجود حوادث معرقلة لحركة السير . كما تشمل منع سير الحافلات وباصات نقل العمال سعة (14- 24- 60 راكب ) من السير أثناء الضباب على كافة الطرق بإمارة أبوظبي فى إطار الأولوية الإستراتيجية لجعل الطرق أكثر أمناً وسلامة  بإمارة أبوظبي أثناء الضباب . ودعا الخييلي السائقين إلى التوقف التام وعدم التحرك في حالة انعدام الرؤية وضرورة زيادة مسافة الامان بين المركبات لتفادى حوادث الصدم بالمركبات الامامية و عدم التجاوز والانتقال من مسرب الى آخر في حالة عدم وضوح الرؤية، مؤكداً ضرورة عدم إستخدام الأضواء التحذيرية الرباعية أثناء السير، موضحاً أن استخدامها يكون فقط في حالة الوقوف التام على الكتف الأيمن خارج الطريق في مكان آمن، أو في حالة التنبيه لوجود خطر . وشدد على ضرورة التزام الشركات التى تعمل في مجال النقل بالشاحنات (نقل العمال)، بالإجراءات الوقائية الخاصة بمنع الحافلات وباصات نقل العمال سعة (14- 24- 60 راكب ) من السير أثناء الضباب على كافة الطرق بإمارة أبوظبي وتطبيق المادة رقم”10″ في اللائحة التنفيذية المعدلة لقانون السير والمرور رقم (178) والتي تنص على أن “مرور أو دخول المركبات الثقيلة في الطرق والأماكن الممنوعة تطبق عليها غرامة مالية قيمتها 1000 درهم و4 نقاط مرورية. @abudhabidot @stscabudhabi #الإمارات #أبوظبي #شرطة_أبوظبي #أخبار_شرطة_أبوظبي #الإعلام_الأمني ‏#UAE #AbuDhabi #ADPolicee #ADPolice_news ‏#security_media

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Here are a few important safe driving tips that can be adopted for a safe driving experience in foggy conditions:

Turn on Fog Lights

Most of the modern-day cars are equipped with fog lights. Motorists should always keep the fog lights turned on when driving in dense fog for a clearer view of the road. For vehicles that come with a front and rear fog light, both the lights should be turned on so that the vehicle is visible to traffic approaching from either ends.

Also read: 7 Tips for Safe Driving in the Fog

Pull Over at the Nearest Service Station

The long hours of driving in fog can have a toll on any driver and cause fatigue and tiredness. In such a situation, motorists should stop at the nearest service station, take a rest break and continue their journey when the visibility becomes a bit better.

Avoid Over-speeding

In dense fog, motorists should drive at least 40-50 km/h slower than their normal driving speed. It helps in maintaining attention on road and also provides the cushion of a few extra seconds to react in an emergency situation.

Always Keep Your Headlights On in Dense Fog

Motorists should keep their headlights turned on while driving in dense fog. However, they should avoid using high beam lights, which can be distracting for the oncoming traffic. Motorists should use dipped or normal lights while driving in dense fog to have a clearer view of the road.

Keep Your Hazard Light Turned Off

Keeping hazard lights turned on in foggy weather is a serious traffic violation and a dangerous driving mistake that motorists should avoid at all costs. As mentioned earlier, keeping hazard lights on can distract other drivers and can potentially have dangerous consequences.


With authorities emphasizing the importance of following safe driving practices, it is important for motorists to drive carefully during the foggy weather of the UAE. Driving becomes a challenge for motorists in dense fog, however, dangerous road situations can be easily avoided by following traffic rules and adopting safe driving practices.

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