Motorists Warned Against Failing to Give Way to Emergency Vehicles

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Dubai Police has warned motorists against failing to give way to emergency vehicles with a reminder of hefty penalties for committing this traffic violation. Not giving way to the emergency vehicles is an uncivilized practice, which should be avoided by motorists at all costs. Emergency vehicles that include fire fighting vehicles, ambulances and Police vehicles are mostly involved in rescue services and motorists should always give them the way so that these vehicles can reach their destination timely and deal with the emergency situation more efficiently and effectively.

Also read: Give Way to Emergency Vehicles or Face Fines and Black Points in Abu Dhabi

Official Statement on Not Giving Way to Emergency Vehicles

In the recent past, Dubai Police launched different campaigns under its traffic awareness drive to improve the road safety situation. Traffic awareness campaigns such as “Your Security Our Happiness” and “Smart Secure Together” have been launched to educate motorists about the importance of following traffic rules and to urge them to comply with road safety practices.

Under this traffic awareness drive, Dubai Police recently posted a tweet on its Twitter Handle and urged motorists to give way to the emergency vehicles. Dubai Police also mentioned the penalties for not giving the way to emergency vehicles, which include a hefty fine and black points. Not giving way to emergency vehicles can potentially result in loss of lives and hefty property damage if emergency vehicles don’t reach their destination quickly. This is why motorists should always be careful and give way to emergency vehicles.

Penalties for Not Giving Way to Emergency Vehicles

According to Dubai Police, a fine of AED 1,000 and six black points are the penalties for not giving way to emergency vehicles. The penalties for this and many other dangerous violations were increased in the recently amended traffic law to discourage motorists from committing these violations. Previously, the penalties for not giving way to the emergency vehicles were AED 500 fine and four black points, which were then revised to compel motorists to always give way to emergency vehicles.

Safety Protocols to Follow When Giving Way to Emergency Vehicles

Motorists need to follow some important road safety protocols to avoid a dangerous road situation while giving way to emergency vehicles. Motorists can feel hassled when they see a fast-approaching emergency vehicle from their vehicle’s side or back view mirror, which can prove to have dangerous consequences in heavy traffic.

It is important that motorists remain calm and follow these practices while giving way to the emergency vehicles:

  • Try to move to the other lane slowly and use indicators while changing lanes to alert the driver of emergency vehicle and other motorists that you are trying to give way to the emergency vehicle.
  • Allow other vehicles to make way for your vehicle in their lane and never make a sudden lane change.
  • Don’t try to accelerate ahead of the emergency vehicle as it can lead to dangerous road situations. You can also be booked for a speeding violation for driving beyond the speed limit of a road.
  • Don’t jump the red signal in order to make way for emergency vehicles.

Motorists are advised not to break other traffic laws when giving way to emergency vehicles. Motorists will face traffic penalties for all violations that they commit while trying to giving way to emergency vehicles. It is therefore important to react in a very careful manner and switch to the other lanes slowly whenever an emergency vehicle demands the right of way.

Also read: A Day without Accidents Campaign Launched in Dubai to Improve Child Safety

Be Safe Motorists

Motorists in Dubai learn the fundamentals of safe driving when they enroll for a driving course as part of their Driving License Acquisition Program. It is important for motorists to remember their training and adopt safe driving practices while giving way to emergency vehicles in heavy traffic. A careful and defensive driving approach can help motorists avoid hefty traffic penalties and dangerous road situations.

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