Motorists Rewarded for Good Driving

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The drivers were honored in a ‘Star of the Road’ competition by the Abu Dhabi Police represented by the Traffic and Patrols Directorate in collaboration with the Emirates Motorsport Federation and Saeed Association.

Sixteen motorists, who have religiously adhered to the traffic rules and laws while driving in different parts of Abu Dhabi, were honored in a ceremony in the Capital.

The drivers were honored in a ‘Star of the Road’ competition by the Abu Dhabi Police represented by the Traffic and Patrols Directorate in collaboration with the Emirates Motorsport Federation and Saeed Association, in a ceremony where they were given cash prizes and certificates of appreciation.

First Lieutenant Sultan Al Amiri from the Public Relations section of the Traffic and Patrols directorate at Abu Dhabi Police, said the winners had been picked by a traffic committee from the directorate.

Secretary General of the Emirates Motorsport Association Attiq Hassan Mubarak also took part in honoring the motorists.

“The winning drivers were closely being watched while cruising the internal roads and highways, to ensure they were adhering to the speed limits, buckling up and properly giving signals while changing their lanes”, he said.

Lieutenant Amiri called on motorists to reduce speed and abide by the speed limits on different roads, fasten seatbelts, and not become preoccupied while on the road by answering phone calls or using phones in any other way. He also urged them to keep sufficient space between vehicles and ensure their vehicles’ tyres are fit for the road. He pointed out that safety on the road is the responsibility of everybody.


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