Motor bikes made in UAE

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 Earlier on March of 1013, Dr. Ali Alnumairy the father of Hussien Ali Alnumairy passed away in an accident when he was riding his bike. Dr. Ali is known to be the founder of “Emarati Tigers” bikes riding team. This accident prevented Hussein from practicing the sport he has always loved in respond to his wife’s and mom’s request.

This situation led Hussein to shift his passion for the sport into a completely new field of building bikes on the soil of UAE. Hussein recently started a plant for making bikes bodies and accessories in Al-qoz industrial region in UAE under the title “Made in UAE”.

Hussein got his passion for bikes from his father who taught him how to ride bikes. He got his driving license when he was 17 years old in 2003.

Hussein received support from his family members during this project. Not only emotional support, but financial as well. Hussein also hopes he can get financial aid from the government so he can improve his productivity and expand his reach.

Alnumairy said: “I have strong pond with motor bikes, I grew up with bikes as I was a young child. My father loved riding bikes and he has his own bikes collection. This is the reason he formed the Emarati Tigers team. I was lucky to accompany them in some of their tours. We went to Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia” he also added: “My father taught me how to ride bikes in our back yard, he used to tell me not to go outside of the back yard until I get my driving license”.

Alnumairy stated: “Riding bikes has always been my passion, however, the passing out of my father prevented me from practicing the sport and this is the main reason that made me decide to start working on building bikes instead of riding it.”

The newly opened plant specializes in building motor bikes and its accessories with the hands of an expert European team. The team is building bikes complying with the global standards of motorbikes manufacturing with the logo “Made in UAE” on every bike.

I think this step is really a huge step toward promoting local industry and we would like to see such moves taking place on UAE’s soil.

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