Millions of traffic offences in UAE for years

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As reported by a new study, roughly 39 million traffic offences were perpetrated in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) over six from years, between 2007 and 2012.
Major Rashid Al Fardan, Head of Traffic survey at Sharjah Police, pointed out that this study displayed contentious behaviors were the key causes of accidents. For instance; tailgating, speeding and reckless driving.

Based on records released from the Sharjah Police Traffic Directorate, the study revealed 38.6 million offences in six years long between 2007 and 2012 ascribing this increase to the escalating number of vehicles every year, failure to stick to the public traffic rules and  traffic monitoring.

The other reasons behind that included failure to abide by lanes, lack of respect for other road users, tailgating, jumping red lights, entering a road without ensuring it was safe, speeding and recklessness.

It is worth mentioning that the worst daily period for accidents Sharjah itself was between 10pm and 6am, followed 2pm to 10pm.

Thomas Edelmann, Founder of Road Safety UAE dot com has lately said: “Road safety is a very relevant topic here in the UAE and we hear about it every day. And everyone has their own stories from the roads here.

“There is one topic that is at the forefront of improving the situation and that is road etiquette and politeness. We believe that the one basic rule is that you must treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Although there is no clear definition of ‘aggressive driving’, the study found it can be caused by environmental factors as well as the personal and psychological traits of a driver.

“We must think about driving with each other and not against each other, then a lot of these types of incidents on our roads will disappear,” Mr Edelmann said.

“I am a firm believer in education. We have to start in schools and instill road etiquette and understanding from a young age, so when they become the next generation of drivers they know what should be done.”

A study released last year showed there were 2.3 million offences on Dubai roads in 2012.

That compared with 9.6 million fines handed out for that year in The Netherlands, which has a population more than eight times that of Dubai.

In the UAE, aggressive driving was more common on motorways and roads with no radars, roads with traffic jams and those with fewer speed humps, the study found.

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