Mercedes-Benz G Class Involved in 2 Recalls

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Mercedes Benz has achieved a high car rating for its products by making cars that can be driven in a diverse range of terrains. From hatch backs to luxury sedans to sports utility vehicles, there has been quality oozing from each of the products coming into the car market.

In the SUV department, the German car maker has the G class series of vehicles that are ideal for those in a car search for the off road and rugged terrain. These are excellent in this area. In its mission to make a car that is suitable for the off road, Mercedes Benz designed the G Class with a guard grille right in front of the headlights so as to protect them from the rough elements.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, this guard grill is against the federal lighting standards. Even if the car meets the federal safety standards for illumination, it violates another standard that states that there should be nothing mounted directly in front of the head lights. The car maker therefore went ahead and recalled 2,000 units of the 2002 G55 AMG model.

The giant car maker also initiated a recall of over 3,500 units of the G Class manufactured between 2002 and 2010 due to a reflector in the front turn signal that could tarnish after some time thus not putting out enough light. The company intends to replace the reflector.

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