Maintenance Tips to Protect your Car from the UAE’s Summer Heat

Car maintenance checklist for summer

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Summer makes it tough for the automobiles to maintain their best performance. They need extra care and maintenance to counter the excessive heat in the long summer season. The fuel and lubricant consumption of the cars increases in the hot weather but a well-maintained vehicle can deliver the standard outputs even in the extra heat. You need to keep a check on your car’s health for a number of factors and make possible that all mechanical aspects of the car are inspected at the regular basis in the summer season.

Our checklist for the best health of your vehicles helps you understand the key areas of maintenance of a car in the summer season.

Engine Oil and Air Filter Check

Engine Oil is the most important lubricant of your vehicle as it helps the engine to perform at its best capacity. Make sure to change the oil of your vehicle after every 3,000 to 4,000 miles in summer. The heat of summer shortens the life of the engine oil in summers.  Keeping a check on the health of the engine oil improves the performance of your car. You can check the engine oil very easily. For this purpose, you just need to take the dipstick of the engine out and check the fluidity and apparent color of the oil. If you find it crude and black, you need to then change it as soon as possible.

Change Engine Oil Regularly Similarly, the air filter also needs to be checked with every engine oil change. In normal weather conditions, a good air filter can last up to 12 months but in summer, it might ask for an early replacement.

Clean Air Filters

Also read: 7 Tips to Improve the Performance of your Car

Tyre Pressure and Tread Depth Check

Continue to monitor the tyre pressure at the regular basis in summer. Tyres absorb extra heat in summer and that leads to increasing the air pressure of tyres. You must check the tyres pressure before leaving out for a long journey in summers. You can do it with the help of a Tyre Pressure Gauge.

Tyre Pressure LightTread Depth Check is also important to monitor the level of wear and tear of tyres. After a certain limit of tread wear, you must get the tyres changed.

Penny Test to check tyre tread

Battery Checkup

The fluid in the battery gets drained more rapidly in summers and that can have bad effects on the health of the battery. Car Battery, running without the standard amount of fluid inside can deteriorate earlier than its average life span. Batteries also get overcharged in summers. You need to have a regular check of the level of battery fluid in summer and save the battery from overcharging by giving it proper rest at regular intervals while driving.

Car Battery Water Check

Engine Belts and Rubber Hoses Check

The heat of the summers can possibly cause cracks in engine belts and hoses. A thorough inspection of the engine belts and hoses is suggested to make sure that engine belts have no cracks, leakage, damaged edges, fraying or swelling. If you find some signs of damage in the belts of engine you should get it repaired or changed if needed.

Check Engine belts and Hoses

Air Conditioning System Checkup

Get Your Air Conditioning System serviced at the start of the summer for its best functioning throughout the long season. The evaporator, condenser and compressor should be completely inspected and serviced for all necessary measures. A well-maintained air conditioning system is important to have a comfortable driving experience in the hot weather.

Car Air Conditioning Sysytem

The maintenance cost of an old car can prove to be very expensive as ageing of a car makes most of its vital parts and accessories vulnerable to wear and tear. If you feel, you are not able to manage your monthly budget due to high costs of repair and maintenance of your car then it’s high time to sell it and buy a new one. buys any car in any condition in just 30 minutes time even if the car is a non-runner. Bring your damaged / wrecked / non-runner car to us and we promise to buy it at a fair price.

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