How to Maintain your Car’s Air Conditioning System this Summer

Tips to maintain car Air Conditioning

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A thorough checkup of the air conditioning system of a car is important in the start of the summer season. The smooth functioning of the air conditioning system of a car becomes more important in summer than in any other season and the increased use of the air conditioner demands extra care in the summer season. Like all other mechanical accessories of a car, the air conditioning system is also prone to wear and tear. A thorough inspection and service check of the air condition system in the start of the summer ensures its best health for the whole season.

Components of the Air Conditioning System

The air conditioner in a car is not a solitary body; in fact, it is comprised of many other parts which compile the whole system of the air conditioning.

Following are the major components of a car’s air conditioning system:

  1. Evaporator
  2. Condenser
  3. Compressor

For the Air Conditioning System to work properly, it is important to keep these three parts of the system well-maintained and serviced at the regular basis. Many people believe that the air conditioning system of a car works to blow cold air into the car but it is actually not true. The whole system is designed in a way that dispels the hot air out of the car hence keeping the inner environment cool. If all parts of the air conditioner are maintained well, the system performs its function efficiently regardless of the weather outside.

Car AC components need extra care in Summer

Tips to Maintain the Car Air Conditioning System

There are general as well as technical aspects associated with the maintenance of the air conditioning system. We shall discuss here few important tips for better maintenance of the air conditioning system in your car:

Use the Air Conditioner at least once in a week

In summers, you would certainly need the air conditioner more often than once a week. But on a whole, it is an excellent practice to use the air conditioner at least once in a week so that the hoses, pumps and valves of the system stay lubricated. This practice enhances the life of your car’s air conditioning system.

Also read: Experts Warn Motorists to Check Car Tyres in Summers to Avoid Blowouts

Get the AC System Serviced at the Start of Summer

It is important that you get your air conditioning system fully serviced at least once in a year. You should ideally do it before the start of the summer season.

Get Your Air Conditioning System Sanitized

Get your air conditioning system sanitized for the removal of fungus and bacteria as it helps the air conditioning system to work flawlessly in summers. The air conditioning system can be the ideal breeding space for the microbes and to get rid of them is important for the best functioning of the system. It also saves the air conditioning system from foul odor.

Checklist for the Service of Air Conditioning System

The service of the air conditioning system of the cars involves the checkup of a number of key elements. You need to know about these elements as it will help you examine the service of the air conditioning system critically.

Car AC Gas check up in Summer

Following are the key facets of the service of the air conditioning system in a car:

  • Temperature Check of the Air Vent
  • Recycling or Replacement Check of the Refrigerant Gas
  • Filter Checking
  • Operational Inspection of Thermostats and valves
  • Hoses Check
  • Cleaning of the Fins of Condenser
  • Deodorant Application

Having the maintenance and service check of all the above-mentioned elements ensures smooth functioning of the air conditioning system in summer. The absorbance rate of the heat increase in summer and to combat the extra heat in the outer environment, the air conditioning system of your car must be in best health.

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