Life-saving Tips for Driving in Flash Flood

Safety tips for driving in flash flood

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With the recent rain in UAE, authorities have seen an unprecedented increase in the number of road accidents caused by rainwater converting into flash floods. Many of these instances could have been avoided if proper safety measures had been taken.

Throughout human history, we find floods that had the devastating effect on different civilizations. Some civilizations were wiped out of existence while some had to suffer huge losses. Even today floods are considered to be one of the most dangerous natural disasters as its affected areas can take months to recover. Flash floods (a type of flood) is perhaps the most devastating of its kind which can cause an unimaginable amount of damage in a short period.

UAE, like many modern countries/states has been built with a huge network of roads. When it rains, these roads with footpaths at their both ends act like a small canal channeling water downhill. Water flowing through these channels gains speed while heading for lower ground level turns into a flash flood. Eventually, this water stream will find a part of the city which is at a lower level and it will start accumulating there.

In the video below, it takes less than 4 minutes for a dry place to be completely covered by flash flood water.

Why you should Fear and Respect Flash Floods

Before we start our safety tips, please note down the following points and never forget them:

  • You cannot swim across moving flood water. No one in the history has been able to do it and neither will you. So do not attempt it.
  • Your Car / Crossover / SUV / Pickup Truck cannot drive across moving flood water. It is the most dangerous thing to do, so don’t risk your life trying it.

It is highly advised not to drive when a flash flood warning is issued in your area. Driving in the flash floods can be fatal at most of the times because the depth of water is never obvious.

People tend to ignore the force that flowing water carries with it and feel confident of driving themselves out of danger by wading through floods. A study says that water weighs about 62.4 pounds per cubic foot. The direction of the flow of water is downstream and at the speed of 6 to 12 miles per hour. As per research, when a vehicle stalls in water, the water’s force is transferred to the car. As the water level rises each foot, a lateral force of 500 pounds gets transferred to the car.

It is not a compulsion that the whole city will be thrashed by floods; it can be an area or multiple areas of that city that might suffer the most. You need to be aware of such areas and divert your path whenever such an area is struck by flash floods.

If  you still do not think that flash flood deserves to be feared then watch this video, the water flow is so fast that it can cover the bridge in just a  few seconds.

 Before going into the tips of driving safely in flash floods, it is important to give a detailed expression of risk that is attached to driving in floods.

Why Your Vehicle is the Last Place You Should be in During a Flash Flood

Here are some eye-opening stats from a study done in the United States of America regarding the effect of flash flood water and flood water on vehicles.

Fact # 1 – 64% of the Causalities in Floods are in Vehicles

According to an estimate calculated for floods occurring from 1995 to 2010, it is revealed that 64% of the causalities in the floods take place in vehicles. It means it bears great risk to drive in a flood situation.

Fact # 2 – Six Inches of Water can stall your Vehicle

You don’t need more than six inches of water to roll over your vehicle. You tend to lose control on the car once six inches of water sneaks through and reaches the bottom of your car.

Fact # 3 – Rise in Water level by 1- Foot is enough to Drown Multiple Cars

As it is mentioned earlier, when a car is stalling, the rise in water level by one foot can cause harm to multiple cars and passengers inside as well.

Fact # 4 – SUVs and Trucks Get Rolled Over With 2 Feet Water

The force of water should never be undermined, merely, two feet deep water in floods does the wrecking for the SUVs and Trucks. Which are considered as the heaviest vehicles on road.

Fact # 5 – Fast Flowing Water is as dangerous as Tornados

Water flowing at only 6mph can have the destructive ability of a tornado with high wind speed. Water flowing at 25mph has the pressure equivalent to the air blowing at 790mph. The observation clearly suggests that flash floods at times can be more threatening and fatal than hurricanes.

Tips for Car Drivers Stuck in Flash Floods

The biggest advice for the car drivers in flash floods is not to drive at all. There can hardly be an urgency to drive that is bigger than your life. It is always good to stay at a safer area when there are flash floods and never experiment with the idea of a flash flood drive.

In case you need to drive in flash floods owing to any unavoidable emergency, you should follow the tips given below:

Tip # 1 – Keep a Check on the Flood Warning

It is advised to keep a check on the flood warning issued by the local metrological department. It can always help you staying aware of the areas that are in danger of being hit by a flash flood. You can then always take the alternative path to drive the car to your destination. Radio and TV news updates, and flood warning apps, if available in your local area, are great means for the information of flash floods.

Tip # 2 – Never Wade through Water

It is never a good idea to wade through water thinking you can easily adapt to the depth of the water. In flash floods, one can never estimate the depth of the water. You never know how much deep the water is. Going at very slow speed in deep water can help you at times in minimizing the danger of drowning.

Tip # 4 – Give Attention to the Barriers

You must give attention to the barricades while driving in the flash floods as they are put for your protection.

Tip # 5 – Look out for Items Flowing Down

There can be some heavy objects coming your way while driving in flash floods. You need to drive slowly, to measure if such objects coming your way and avoid them.

Tip # 6 – Don’t Use the Mobile Phones

Never use the mobile phone for call or message while you are driving in the floods. It can distract you and take your focus away from driving which can be highly dangerous.

Tip # 7 – Restart the Engine in Case of Vehicle Stalled

In case the depth of the water increases suddenly and your car starts stalling, you must restart the engine of the car. The restarting of the engine will ensure your car stops moving for a while. Note that restarting the engine can cause irreparable damage but this is a risk you should take in order to save your and your passengers’ life.

For a safe drive in flood follow the rules and regulations

Tip # 8 – Do Not Hesitate from Calling the Emergency Services

If such a situation develops where your vehicle stops functioning and you are completely stuck in your car, then you must call the emergency services for help.

Rule of Thumb for Dealing with Flash Floods

Prevention serves the best safety and instead of bringing your defensive skills into play in the flashy water of floods. You should completely abandon the idea of driving in floods. Flash floods are the most dangerous as they don’t give you much of a chance to recover and to avoid them. It is necessary to understand the danger of driving in an area that is prone to flash floods. UAE has recorded some of the worst rains and floods in recent times and by following all the above-mentioned tips, the people of UAE and in other areas of the world can surely stay safe.

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