Introducing Car Maintenance Guide for Your Vehicles – Never Suffer a Car Breakdown Again

Introducing Car Maintenance Guide for Your Vehicles

Share This Post’s Car Maintenance Guide for car owners provides detailed information about important aspects of “car care” and briefs about maintenance checkups of a car throughout the year. Maintenance plays a key role in improving performance of vehicles. You need to maintain your car daily, weekly, monthly and yearly for consistent and smoothness in its performance. The service of a car varies from technical maintenance to physical inspection and checkup of the car. A regular checkup of a car for the best functioning of its parts, accessories and mobility enhances its resale value as well.

Importance of Maintenance of Your Car

The service checkup of vehicles bears importance as it keeps them in best shape for a long term. It also makes sure that the vehicle tolerates change of seasons and varying road conditions in a highly efficient way. The car maintenance at consistent basis helps a car retain most of its original parts and accessories for longer term.

Following should be your routine for getting your car maintained throughout the year:

Weekly Maintenance Checks of the Car

A weekly checkup keeps the performance of your car consistent especially for those with everyday use of their car. For complete details, read our Weekly Maintenance Checks of the Car blog.

3 Months/Quarterly Maintenance check

On an average, a vehicle covers around 6,000 kilometers in three months. A 3 months maintenance checkup is more detailed than the frequent maintenance measures of your car and ensures best health of car. For complete details, read our Quarterly Maintenance Checks of the Car blog.

6 Months/Half Yearly Maintenance Checkup

A car on average covers between 8,000-10,000 kilometers in 6 months. The whole car is thoroughly checked in this checkup. For complete details, read our Half Yearly Maintenance Checks of the Car blog.

9 Months Maintenance Check

You need to get your car checked for service and maintenance after every 9 months. The checkup is important to keep a car performing at its best. For complete details, read our 9 Months Maintenance Checks of the Car blog.

Annual Checkup of the Car

An average car runs almost 15,000-18,000 kilometers in a year. A number of key performance factors are analyzed and optimized in annual checkup and this checkup refreshes the car in terms of its technical attributes and physical outputs. For complete details, read our Annual Maintenance Checks of the Car blog.

Your car stays in best condition if you follow this maintenance guide for proper service and checkup of your car. Your car will neither suffer from heat of summer nor did the chilliness of winters if it is maintained according to all discuss standards in this maintenance guide. buys any car in any condition in just 30 minutes time even if the car is a non-runner. Bring your damaged / wrecked / non-runner car to us and we promise to buy it at a fair price.

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