Innovation protects the car when drowning

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This device is called the “Bottom airbag” where it works to raise the car in case it sank in just a few seconds that provides a full protection for the electricity of the car in addition to its engine. When an incident occurs for the car that cause it to crash into the water, it will lose 100 % of the electricity and 80 % of the mechanics of the car and if the temperature of the car’s engine is high, it is exposed to an explosion anytime due to the quick conversion from a high temperature to a low temperature and this device reduces those prohibitive losses, and this was the beginning of this creative invention.

The new invention is a safety valve for the car against drowning where the system consists of compressor, air tanks, sensitive water sensor, air gate, rubber floats, wrap and air hoses.

At the time of the car’s sinking, it is the time for the new invention where it works to raise the car on the surface of the water within seconds through a sensitive sensor which is connected to the compressor with two slots where the first slot is dedicated to enter the air and the second slot is dedicated to release the air. The first slot is connected to the air tanks at the bottom of the car’s seats while the second slot is connected to floats at the bottom of the car. The second slot used in two places in the car where there are four slots for the entire car. Two of them are installed in the car’s chassis and the other two slots are installed in the car’s pump with specific measures according to many factors in addition to the type of the car plus the car’s needs.

When the car sinks in the water, the sensitive sensor will work immediately to provide electricity for the compressor which works to pull the air inside the air tanks and deliver it to the floats, and the system will open the air gate automatically for the entry of air into the floats. As an addition, there is a hard structure to protect the floats from the rocks in the water while the sensor is located on the surface of the car. Because water covers the four corners of the car when it sank, the open circuit will be closed and the power will be delivered to the compressor which pulls the air from air tanks and deliver it to the floats which leads to raise the car in less than 20 seconds.


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