Images to Raise Safe Driving Awareness

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Chilling images of young road accident victims have been broadcast to thousands of young people as part of the Abu Dhabi Police Traffic and Patrols Directorate’s attempt to bring down road accidents, injuries and deaths. Since April, the directorate has produced nine documentary films featuring young road accident victims as part of its awareness program targeting youths.

The documentaries feature young people involved in serious accidents across the country. The films were produced under the directorate’s ongoing awareness program ‘Road Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility’ that also included 308 lectures attracting about 48,000 youth, the directorate said.

“As part of its keenness to develop its awareness-raising programs, the directorate has produced nine documentaries at the national level. The movies highlight the suffering of young people who sustained serious injuries in car accidents, and have to spend the rest of their life with their disabilities. Every case tells a tragedy of an individual who had met with a life-changing traffic accident,” said chief of public relations section of the directorate, Lt-Colonel Jamal Salem Al Ameri.

He said the lectures targeted young people in particular, urging them to comply with traffic laws and to reduce speed. “The lectures also shed light on the major causes of various kinds of traffic accidents,” he said.

“The awareness-raising programs aim at improving the behavior of drivers in general, and the youth in particular, with a view to increase traffic safety culture through lectures and exhibitions in schools and universities,” said Lt-Colonel Al Ameri.

He further warned young motorists against reckless driving, underscoring the risks of illegal vehicle modifications, street racing, stunts and driving motorcycles recklessly. Al Ameri advised all members of society, particularly young people, to watch the movies on the directorate’s pages on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram.

He also called upon young drivers to abide by traffic safety laws by maintaining speed limits, leaving a safe distance between vehicles, avoiding jumping traffic signals, avoiding overtaking on the hard shoulder and using mobile phones while driving. He concluded with a serious safety message: always buckle-up.

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