Identifying Vehicle Engine Odors and How to Fix

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A smell from you a car’s engine means only one thing – Trouble. Before you even think of fixing it, you need to identify the smell, causes and how it can be fixed. First you need to read through your car information to understand the optimum operations of your engine so that you can easily identify problems when they occur. Below are the engine smell possibilities you might encounter:

If your engine emits a sharp odor similar to a burning toast, it means there could be an electrical shot or the insulation of your car is burning. To fix this problem, you need to visit an auto repair shop immediately and it is advisable not use the car until it is rectified.

A burning sulfur smell almost like rotten eggs indicates a catalytic converter problem in the engine, a damaged emission control system or it could be that the engine is running on a rich air/fuel mixture. To fix this, you need to ensure that the engine is cool enough, then cut the catalytic converter on both ends and replace with a new one. While it is possible to do this yourself, it is always good to consult a professional to ensure it is safely fixed.

A chemical small or burning resin odor could mean that you clutch or the breaks are overheating. Mostly this is caused by a spoilt thermostat and can be resolved by replacing with a new one.

You could also get a sweet smell which could mean that your coolant system is leaking. Have the system checked and the leak fixed as soon as possible to ensure smooth operations of the engine.

It is always a good habit to do a car assessment every once in a while to ensure that there are no operational problems. This will help in maintaining the value of your car.

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