How to Store Your Car Before Going to A Summer Vacation

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 Let’s consider a scenario where two people own new similar cars. Both are going on vacation, one leaves his car in the compound not covered and the other keeps his car well covered in the garage. After the vacation, in case they are to determine car value of both cars, the one left outside will appear to be taken as an old car purchase since some parts will have rusted and the car body appearance will be unpleasant. The one covered will be as new as it was bought currently from the Dubai car market.

Some problems like the treads on the rubber car tyres quickly melt away due to the high temperatures that denature the rubber. If a vehicle is to travel in summer, it’s important to frequently check the brake pads, the car radiator has to be filled with water for a safe and sound journey.

A permanently parked vehicle car easily fade due to the corrosive process. When a vehicle takes long to be driven, it produces a black smoke that may call for a mechanic’s attention for a quick car maintenance. Winter wrecks the car as much as summer especially when the car is left outside the whole period, this can affect the car rating in aspects of appearance compared to other well stored cars. The reaction of the different mental compounds and the air with the coldness favoring their reaction causes the fading of the car body.

It’s advisable not to frequently drive the car preparing it for the long hibernation to save you from high cost on  maintenance and repair in case it affected by the weather conditions. An indoor setting for the car storage is a wise idea, keeping the vehicle in a clean dry environment.

Keeping fresh fluids in the engine prevents it from destruction and the fuel tank should be full to keep air out. Car batteries can be removed and all connections kept clean. Wiper blades should also be removed to avoid them from being permanently attached to the car. Finally, you have to ensure that animals won’t enter your car to make it their habitat like rats, squirrels and mice. This can be done by fully covering the car leaving no holes for any animal to enter your car.

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