Highest Auction on a “Ferrari Enzo” following its owner’s escape from Dubai

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About two years ago, an owner of a “Ferrari Enzo” dumped it on Dubai streets and it has been impounded by Dubai police force for the past two years. Dubai police decided to Auction the car after the fulfillment of the conditions. The expected sale price for this car is over 1 million dollars, making this auction the highest auction ever held by Dubai police station.

Nowadays, following the economical crisis, it is not that weird to see a car covered in dirt and has not been used for months. This seen is especially noticed in Dubai airport and passengers coming from all over the world can notice the presence of these cars, and sometimes, you will see some funny words and drawings on its dirty body like “Run Away”, “Wash me Please”.

One after another, hundreds of dumped car were left on Dubai streets waiting for their owners who flee the country burdened with dept following the world economic crisis. Among those cars were the luxurious “Ferrari Enzo” we talking about in this article. However, Dubai government found the appropriate legal solution to such problem by reselling the cars in public auctions starting today.

It should be noted that this car is one of a kind with only 399 ever manufactured worldwide, the number that makes even a road accident with one of those 399 cars a factor to increase the price of the rest. Although the car has been left in Dubai streets with lots of dust covering it before being moved to the impounding facility of Dubai police, it is only normal for this car to be sold for over 1 million dollars.

On the other hand, the fate of this Ferrari remains unknown as Engineer General Mohammad Seif Alzafeen, head of Dubai traffic general management force announced that there is no intention to sell the luxurious cars being held by Dubai police including this Ferrari, he also added that these cars did not still fulfill the requirements for being sold at a public auction and that some of them are under jurisdictional disputes that has not come to a ruling yet. Alzafeen added that Dubai police allotted covered parking spots for these cars to preserve it, and that there will be a separate auction for luxurious cars from Ferrari and Porsche that suits its specifications and prices. Today, after Dubai police sorted the cars in impounding from the oldest to the newest, 129 cars will be auctioned for the public, after those cars fulfilled all the legal requirements.

It also should be noted that Dubai police earned over 10 million AED from 5 similar auctions as the law in UAE permits reselling the cars after 6 months of being impounded and not claimed by their original owners.


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