Gulf’s 2013 rising star: The Toyota Hilux

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As far as titles go, this one pretty much says it all. Never before have eastern based manufacturers had such a wide and satisfying selection, and the new Toyota Hilux promises to take the Persian gulf by storm, winning the hearts of drivers one by one. For those that do not know, the Persian Gulf is home to the Gulf Cooperation Council, which is composed of the following states: Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and of course, Oman.

If we were to take a look at the sale of new vehicles in this region, they have seen a modest decline on a year-on-year basis. In June the statistics showed that there have been about 125,382 sales , which is about 0.5 percent decline from the previous year. So nothing really that perilous. But is this decline just a normal one, or is it indicative of a larger trend?

It may just be random, but there are economic studies that would beg to differ.This modest value may be just the beginning of an even bigger decline, and it is not necessarily bad. The thing is that these numbers reflect only new car sales, not the used car purchase numbers. As times goes on, to sell used cars that are only slightly used, or just to rent them out will be the more effective option. The companies that are conducting this business as well as the customers have only to gain from this trend. It is debatable if the auto manufacturer will truly suffer from such modest declines, but the overall perspective is shifting rapidly.

Newer models like the Hilux from Toyota are anticipated by the public, and also by the used car sale industry. And as previously stated, it is much more affordable and acceptable to get one slightly used. And the word slightly is the key phrase here. If the used car that is being rented or sold has any sort of damage, then the brand new one holds precedent. But otherwise you are basically buying a new model, for a very reasonable price reduction, because it’s used. In all auto markets from across the globe this is a growing trend and only time can tell where it will take the industry and which elements will permanently change.

But as things stand right now, the monolith Toyota seems to have an overwhelming share of the market, holding about 48,808 in previous years. If we were to look at the percentages, that would be about 38,9 percent for the month of June alone. Statistics that show a year round value indicate it is closer to 40 percent. That is a very impressive value. The runner up is not even close to those values. Statistically that means about 7.4 percent, compared to the previous 7.6 percent.

The month of June in the year 2013 brought good fortune as Toyota Hilux sales maintained their usual high value with about 9,281 models sold. Depending on the frequency of vehicle salenumbers, these values are subject to change in the following years.

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