Gulf moves on to Hybrid Technology

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UAE is predicting a bright future for hybrid vehicles in the Gulf region. The UAE distributor for Toyota and Lexus said it will be showcasing hybrid technology at its stand at the Dubai International Motor which takes place this week.

“We foresee a bright future for hybrid vehicles in the region. People are beginning to realize the many benefits of this technology. We have started to see greater interest from individuals who want to know when Toyota hybrid vehicles will be introduced to the UAE market” said one of top managing director in UAE automobile section. “Awareness about hybrid technology is increasing and platforms like the Dubai International Motor Show play a vital role in our educational journey,” he added.

While the UAE Government has already started seeing the financial and environmental benefits of hybrid cars, individuals, who are still benefiting from low fuel prices, still need to get a better understanding of the advantages of this technology, he said.

Not only are hybrid vehicles becoming increasingly efficient and producing lower emissions than gas-powered automobiles but their performance is also continuing to improve thanks to rapidly advancing technology. Toyota stand will showcase Prius, the number one hybrid car in the world and Camry Hybrid, which now is part of Dubai Taxi Corporation’s fleet.

Toyota has sold over 5.5 million hybrid vehicles to date and continues to extend its portfolio, currently offering 23 hybrid models in more than 80 countries across the globe.

Toyota’s global hybrid fleet has already saved 12 billion liters of fuel and 34 million tones of CO2 emissions, compared to the same number of equivalent, conventionally powered vehicles.

By the end of 2015 Toyota will have introduced a further 16 new or revised hybrid models.

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