Guidelines Issued on Car Decorations for the UAE National Day Celebrations

Guidelines Issued on Car Decorations for the UAE National Day Celebrations

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In a delightful new development, Abu Dhabi traffic authorities have allowed motorists to decorate their vehicles in the spirit of the 46th National Day celebrations. The National Day of the UAE is celebrated on December 2 every year to commemorate the unification of seven independent states into the United Arab Emirates and is one of the most highly anticipated events of the year in the country.

Motorists will be allowed to decorate their vehicles under the strict guidelines issued by the Abu Dhabi traffic authorities. Additionally, the permission for the decoration of cars will only remain valid from November 22 to December 6. As per traffic rules, car decorations of any type are strictly forbidden by authorities in the UAE, but Abu Dhabi traffic authorities have allowed motorists to decorate their vehicles in the spirit of the 46th National Day celebrations.

Guidelines Issued by Abu Dhabi Traffic Authorities for Decorating Cars

Although motorists have been allowed to decorate their vehicles ahead of the 46th National Day celebrations, there are certain limitations that motorists need to know and follow.

Listed below are the instructions motorists need to follow while decorating their vehicles for National Day celebrations:

  • The decoration of cars will only be allowed from November 22 to December 6 and all decorations must be removed before the day ends on December 6.
  • Motorists must avoid spraying foams and colors.
  • Motorists must not seat more passengers in the vehicle than the allowed limit for the vehicle.
  • Motorists must not get carried away with their celebrations and should not get out of the car windows or sunroof. In fact, no part of the body should be out from either the windows or sunroof.
  • Motorists must not color or paint the front windscreen and avoid covering the windscreen with a sunshield or any other decoration.
  • Motorists must avoid shouting on the roads or equipping their vehicles with hyper sound system.
  • Drifting of vehicles and revving of engines is strictly prohibited.
  • Motorists must not park their vehicles on the road or block path of others.
  • Motorists are not allowed to change the original color of the vehicle.
  • Motorists must not throw trash on the road.
  • Motorists must not inflict any damage to public properties.

Other than the instructions for motorists, guidelines have also been issued for pedestrians. The authorities have asked the pedestrians to:

  • Avoid jaywalking
  • Avoid spraying paint on drivers

Motorists need to follow all these guidelines and only decorate their vehicles as per these guidelines to avoid facing traffic penalties.

Also read: Reckless Driving Violations: Risks, Fines and Penalties in the UAE

Official Statement on the Permission of Car Decorations

National Day is a remarkable day in the history of the United Arab Emirates and authorities have advised motorists to celebrate this memorable day in its best spirit and avoid creating troubles for others. Brigadier Khalifa Al Khaili, Director of the Traffic and Patrols Directorate at Abu Dhabi, advised motorists to drive carefully and warned them against damaging public properties or causing hurdles for others on the road while celebrating the National Day. He particularly asked the young motorists to comply with the traffic rules on the 46th National Day and practice safe driving habits.

Brigadier Khalifa Al Khaili also confirmed that traffic authorities are well-prepared to ensure best arrangements for safety and security of all commuters on the 46th National Day. He warned motorists that the camera and radar monitoring of roads will increase during the time of celebrations to ensure road safety and to maintain a steady flow of traffic. He also quoted the slogan “To Celebrate Spirit of Union without Irregularities” and emphasized the importance of following traffic rules on the 46th National Day of the UAE.

Also read: Celebrates 45th National Day of the UAE

Significance of the National Day of the UAE

National Day is one of the most celebrated events in the UAE and the whole nation celebrates this day with full zest and zeal every year. Different cultural events, food festivals and other exciting events are being arranged across the country to cherish the rich cultural heritage of seven emirates that unified into the United Arab Emirates. This is the day when the people of the UAE celebrate the success and glory that they have achieved as a nation over the years.

With the permission granted for the decoration of cars amid National Day celebrations by Abu Dhabi traffic authorities, it is now the responsibility of motorists to make good use of this opportunity and exhibit their civic sense while celebrating this remarkable day.

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