Great innovations in the American University at Dubai

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It seems that the innovations of the engineering students at the American University in Dubai race the future with their idiosyncratic ideas in several areas such as power generation with modern alternative methods, the provision of electronic services to facilitate the movement of workers in the institutions and government departments and the invention of the car that needs a small amount of fuel in addition to many other new innovations on the scene. A group of students from the faculty of engineering expressed about their aspirations and hopes of keep pace with global changes and compete with all the other inventions very hard around the world where these students were able to achieve advanced positions in making awards and win these awards from local and international platforms.

The student Omar Al-lban was very keen to participate in a team to invent an electric car that saves energy where the team included students from various engineering departments at the university who have collaborated to design an electric car for one passenger, and then participate in a global competition involving teams from around the world. The car which is created by students of the American University in Dubai is the first electric car in this competition from the United Arab Emirates.

He explained that the car is characterized by its ability to walk long distances with the minimum amount of fuel or by using a small battery that can run the car for two hours of time at 60 km per hour. The car’s companies were very interested with this event as an ideal platform for the development of the automotive industry. Also, he stressed that the exciting part is the participation of a second-year female student in innovation of this project while the other participants are from graduates.

There are a lot of projects unveiled by the students during a meeting with them at the American University in Dubai which demonstrate that there is no ceiling for the engineering revolution and declare a new era of innovation. The student Nerhan Kassab revealed that there is participation from the students of civil engineering department annually since 2009 where the participation is about organizing a competition to build wooden bridge that can carry a certain load where the committee announces the winner for the bridge which can carry the most weight compared to its real weight. This contest involves every year, more than twenty teams from various universities and colleges in the country.


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