Glass car clean without wipers

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McLaren supercar manufacturer is working to end technology that for years has made the work of wipers.An inductor ultrasound could end conventional brushes and significantly improve the aerodynamics of their cars.

Since Mary Anderson invented the windshield wiper concept in 1905 , when the car was not even a vehicle – popular , no one had dared to question his method, or at least not much more than evolve it , considering how cheap and easy it is in the current production cars . Now McLaren wants to end the windshield of their supercars and presents a concept that uses ultrasound waves to agitate the windshield glass and remove any residual surface. Inducers of this type are already used in fighter planes, but it would be the first time that a manufacturer would step up to raised equip their production models , improving aerodynamics and fuel consumption.



It seems crazy that attempt to improve efficiency in a car like the McLaren MP4 12C, which consumes an average of 11.7 l / km .Obviously this is not the goal, but it could keep consumption to a significant improvement in performance, especially considering that would cut through the air easier, since the aerodynamic obstacles are reduced. Other manufacturers have studied remove the wipers, but spending is not acceptable for street cars content cost.

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