Get ready for electric cars Dubai?

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If you ever hear you can drive your car powered by your home solar panel or from a super charging station. And you may even sell the extra power you produce from your solar panels to others. This ain’t any science fiction story but it is what Dubai aims in the next three years, as it pulls out all the stops for green transport and self production of power. Dubai calls for a self production of electricity through solar power. This was outlined by the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority managing director and CEO Saeed Mohammed AlTayar during the launch of the Dubai Smart city. The His highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Makhtoom, The president and the vice president of the UAE launched the strategy to transform Dubai into the Smartest City in the world in the next three years.

The UAE isn’t exactly the place you’d expect to find an electric car in Dubai car market, where fuel prices being ridiculously low and residents owned the giant SUVs and powerful sports cars. In fact, Chevrolet has yet to market its extended-range electric Volt out here, and Toyota still hasn’t taken a chance on its hybrid Prius. You can order a hybrid BMW, but the company doesn’t stock them here and has sold 50 across the Middle East since 2010. Only Porsche offers its hybrid Cayanne and Panamera, but you can count those yearly sales on your fingers and toes. For myriad reasons, no car company has been willing to take a serious chance on selling a hybrid or electric car in this

The Smart Dubai strategy comprises of six key elements which is Smart life, smart society, smart economy, smart governance, smart transportation and smart environment. They aimed to add more dimensions to the life of Dubai. The city aims to be the most sustainable city by 2020 has already set a massive green energy drive in motion. In October the first ever solar park went live as part of push to green energy supplies. Under the green power plan the Dubai electricity and water authority will encourage homes and buildings owners to install solar panels to power their homes and buildings and they will connect those panels to a distribution network and buy the energy from them.

Their go green movement also plans to create an infrastructure for charging electric cars in UAE.  People who already owned an electric car are quiet happy to hear the news. it will help in many ways as the fuel charges will be none and the whole plan seems very environment friendly. The residents are excited to make more use of this readily available natural resource. Dubai is currently the worlds best in terms of electricity reliability.


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