Fuel Prices for January 2019 Announced in the UAE

Fuel Prices for January 2019 Announced in the UAE

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The Ministry of Energy has announced fuel prices for January 2019 in the UAE. To the delight of motorists on a tight budget, fuel prices have been decreased for the second consecutive month in the UAE. This is a welcome change for motorists at the start of the New Year as fuel prices were increased to a record-breaking level during the first half of 2018. According to the announcement made by the Ministry of Energy on December 28, 2018, the prices for all types of fuel have been decreased for the month of January 2019.

New Fuel Prices in the UAE

Fuel prices have been decreasing globally since October 2018 due to a significant decrease observed in the price of Brent (the global benchmark for crude oil) during these months. Fuel prices in the UAE started to decrease in November after three months of consecutive increase in prices.

In November 2018, the prices of petrol variants were decreased, but the price of diesel was increased. However, prices for all types of fuel were decreased in December and this trend will continue in January 2019, which will help reduce financial worries of motorists on a tight budget.

The new fuel prices are inclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT) that has been applicable on all commercial and business activities in the UAE since January 1, 2018.

The fuel prices for January 2019 in the UAE are given below:

  • Super 98 has a new price of AED 2.00/litre for the month of January. In December, the price of Super 98 was AED 2.25/litre.
  • The new price of Special 95 is AED 1.89/litre, which was available at a price of AED 2.15/litre in December.
  • The price of diesel has come down from AED 2.61/litre in December to AED 2.30/litre in January.

The significant drop in fuel prices has been attributed to a constant decrease observed in the price of Brent in the international market. The price of Brent fell to $54.04 per barrel on December 28, 2018, which impacted the fuel prices in the UAE positively for motorists on a tight budget. For the first time during the last 12 months in the UAE, petrol is available at a price less than AED 2.00/litre, which will make it easier for motorists to manage their fuel expense.

Future Fuel Price Trends in the UAE

While the price of Brent has dropped significantly during the last few months, experts have predicted that the price of Brent will increase in the coming months, which will again cause an increase in fuel prices. This is the reason why motorists in the UAE should adopt fuel-saving practices to limit their fuel expense, regardless of the fluctuations observed in fuel prices.

Future Fuel Price Trends in the UAE

Fuel-Saving Tips for Motorists on a Tight Budget

Fuel prices have been fluctuating in the UAE since August 2015, which has made it extremely difficult for motorists to manage their fuel expense. Despite a decrease observed in fuel prices for two consecutive months, fuel prices are expected to fluctuate in the coming months. In such a situation, it is important for motorists on a tight budget to adopt fuel-saving practices.

Here are some important fuel-saving tips that can be followed to keep one’s fuel expense in check:

  • Regular maintenance can have a positive effect on the fuel economy of a vehicle. Motorists should ideally follow the instructions mentioned in the car owner’s manual to schedule the maintenance checkups of their vehicle.
  • Aggressive driving should be avoided at all costs as it not only adds to the risk of a dangerous road situation, but also increases the fuel consumption of a vehicle.
  • Motorists should try to manage their daily errands in a single long trip to limit their vehicle’s fuel consumption.
  • Using public transport frequently can be an ideal way to minimize the monthly fuel expense.

While the above-mentioned practices can be useful to minimize fuel expense, upgrading from a conventional combustion engine vehicle to an Electric Vehicle (EV) can be a long-term solution for financial worries of motorists on a tight budget. EVs are eco-friendly vehicles that use electric batteries to generate power and don’t need conventional fuel at all.

Also read: Top 5 Reasons to Buy an Electric Vehicle in the UAE

As EVs ensure zero emissions, the UAE government has also been encouraging motorists to switch from their combustion engine vehicles to EVs. Many incentives and benefits are offered to EV owners and buyers in the UAE, which can be an added advantage of buying an EV in the UAE.

For details of all the benefits and incentives offered to EV owners and buyers in the UAE, read our blog titled, New Incentive Program Encourages the Buying of Electric Vehicles in the UAE.

If you are planning to sell your combustion engine car to buy a fuel-efficient hybrid or EV, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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