Fuel Prices for August 2020 Announced in the UAE


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The Fuel Price Committee in the UAE has announced fuel prices for the month of August. In a major development for motorists on a tight budget, fuel prices have been kept unchanged for the fourth consecutive month. After a significant decrease observed in April, fuel prices have remained unchanged in the UAE.

The demand for fuel has dropped significantly across the globe due to the travel restrictions and grounding of aircraft caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, crude oil prices have decreased drastically in all parts of the world. The decline in the UAE’s fuel prices has been attributed to the constant decrease observed in the price of Brent (the global benchmark for crude oil).

Fuel Prices for August 2020 in the UAE

The liberalization strategy for fuel prices was implemented in the UAE almost five years ago. After the implementation of this strategy, the fuel prices move with the market and any rise and fall in the price of Brent directly affect the fuel prices in the UAE.

Due to the liberalization strategy, fuel prices in the UAE have been fluctuating for almost five years, which has made life extremely difficult for motorists on a tight budget. However, the gradual relief in prices during 2020 will make it easier for motorists to manage their fuel expense.

Fuel prices have remained unchanged for the month of August in the UAE. The announcement for the fuel prices was made on July 28, 2020 by the Fuel Price Committee as per the government’s strategy to announce fuel prices for the oncoming month at the end of the preceding month.


Given below are the fuel prices for the month of August in the UAE:

  • The price of Super 98 has been fixed at AED 1.91/litre.
  • The price of Special 95 has been fixed at AED 1.80/litre.
  • The price of Diesel has been fixed at AED 2.06/litre.

How to Save Fuel Cost in the UAE?

The fuel prices have remained unchanged since April in the UAE, however, motorists on a tight budget must be careful as the fuel prices can fluctuate again in the coming months. There are some important fuel-saving practices that can be followed to keep the fuel expense in check. These fuel-saving practices are given below:

  • Avoid aggressive driving as it can increase fuel consumption.
  • Avoid frequent short trips and try to manage daily errands in one long trip.
  • Use the right type of fuel as mentioned in the car owner’s manual.
  • Never ignore regular maintenance of your vehicle as it can help improve fuel efficiency.
  • Avoid modifying your engine or other mechanical parts as it can decrease the fuel efficiency of a vehicle.

On the other hand, if you are looking for a long-term solution to get rid of the worries related to fuel expense, it can be ideal to switch from a combustion engine vehicle to an Electric Vehicle (EV). The electric vehicles eliminate the need for conventional fuel and can thus be an excellent alternative to combustion engine vehicles.

Electric vehicles are also considered environment-friendly vehicles since they ensure zero emissions. To improve the air quality of the UAE, the government and traffic authorities have taken some notable initiatives including incentives offered to EV owners and buyers in a bid to promote the sales of these cars. Buying an EV in the UAE can be an excellent choice for car owners who are worried about their fuel expense.

If you are planning to sell your combustion engine car to buy a fuel-efficient hybrid or EV, then don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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