Freaky Upholstery Problem in the Mercedes-Benz C-Class

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It is no secret that Mercedes Benz makes classy cars and these do give it a really high car rating for its fleet. Coupled with its car history as well as top notch aesthetic design, the Mercedes product usually does not need any prodding to be sold and taken off the car market.

That is until now. Other car companies have invested a lot of resources and effort to come up with as or more exclusive a product than what the Daimler AG owned car manufacturer brings to the table. With such competition especially in the luxury segment where the C-Class is a player, it leaves no room for making error.

But an error the C-Class has. The luxury car was fitted with artificial upholstery in the form of MB Tex. When the car heats up suddenly from a relatively very cold temperature, there appears a grimy stain on the seats that is akin to bleeding. This is very offsetting and as such Mercedes recalled the cars so that the upholstery can be fixed.

Some parts like the rear bolsters and the piece below the center armrest were not fixed and complaints of the “bleeding” stain reemerged shortly after the vehicles were supposedly fixed by the authorized dealers.

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