Ford’s Progress on Remote Control for your Car

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All the advancements and improvements in technology in the world today are aimed at simplifying the daily activities to make the world a better place for people. With that in sight, Ford a famous car manufacturing company, designed and is now testing technology that enables people control vehicles thousands of miles away using off-the-shelf parts in addition to standard 4G LTE connection. Such an invention has never been heard of in the car history where one can be like piloting a drone except that this one is on wheels.

The whole set up consists of a desk with three monitors, steering wheel and pedals designed like for a computer game. The driver steps on the accelerator pedal while directing the car using the steering wheel just in front of him and applies brakes where need be. Controlling cars remotely is far less impressive than teaching them how to drive themselves and also relatively cheap not affecting the vehicle sale price. The company has already made survey on the people who are willing to remotely operate the car using the Ford remote kit. The technology is really new but not expensive because the Logitech used is cheap and all sensors used are off the shelf. It’s exceptionally easy to tap into the controllers on the modern cars. The driver doesn’t need a physical mechanisms to turn the wheel and apply brakes or accelerator though it requires an existing 4G LTE network.

Ford is considering implementing this technology in rental car companies to move vehicles around parking lots, car sharing services that redistribute vehicles when they get congested in one area. Also instead of letting kids or elderly people drive themselves to different places, a responsible person can remotely control the car for safety of people on board.

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