Ford pilots innovative Siemens software using Google Earth technology to essentially traverse gathering plants and increase global industrial association

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Ford, which is basically a comprehensive manipulator of Siemens merchandise development organization know-how, is steering innovative software that invests simulated steering of its gathering scientific plants, down to individual workspaces. IntoSite, developed by Siemens using Google Earth infrastructure, is a cloud-based web application that allows users to share information within the virtual plants. On the other hand the expectable assistances contain enhancements in announcement, competence, globalization and correction. DUBAI, UAE, 16 December, 2013. Ford Motor Corporation is directing innovative software since Siemens that enables simulated steering inside its get-together plants, plateful the corporation advance worldwide alliance and improved segment best performs.

“Under the Ford production system, we are constantly looking for ways to improve standardization around the globe,” said John Fleming, Ford executive vice president of global manufacturing. “The Siemens IntoSite software pilot is helping us explore the realm of possibility for future cross-regional workplace communication.”

At any virtual location, engineers or other team members can add pins – just as they would in Google Maps – and upload content such as videos, documents and images to these pins. This creates a private virtual space where users can easily save and share materials, helping to better communicate within plants and around the world.

“Using a platform that most of the world already is familiar with, Google Earth, we will be able to increase the speed of adoption and implementation for our manufacturing teams around the world,” said Janice Goral, manager, Ford vehicle operations manufacturing engineering. “The information then harnessed and transferred would build on our existing efforts to enhance alignment around the globe, and cater to a world where visual communication now can be more effective than email.”

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