Ford joins the 21st century as far as fuel consumption goes !

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 Let’s face it cars have long surpassed the point where they were just a means of transport. They have transcended that function and just like clothing, express so much more that their immediately obvious function. Your car can tell us allot about your personality, what taste you have, and even how you want to be perceived.

Few companies manage to make you feel cooler and liberated than Ford. Ford just has that masculine sense of freedom about their cars. An iconic image of the rebel driving down the open road comes to mind. But we must remember that despite their cutting edge technology, cars are basically an archaic vehicle because of their fuel sources. Most cars and car designs come from an era where oil was a boundless resource. And although you will feel like a warrior in a giant gas guzzler, given today’s economy and the dwindling oil supply, that can’t remain a reality for much too long. So just like anything on Earth, Ford must adapt or face the inevitability of being irrelevant.

That being said, Ford has just announced a change. They said that they are flirting with the idea of a diesel car and even a hybrid or electric model. It’s not really clear if they adopted this path because of their own initiative or because of regulations or the economy. Regardless if you love this change or not one thing is certain, the change will not get here any time soon. For the short term, ford models will largely remain unmodified, following the same patterns both design and fuel-wise. The changes will be slower to come, and if they work out, they will be permanently adopted.

Out of all this basically 2 mindsets can arise the first being that a part of their customer base may feel a little betrayed and offended. The enormous fuel consumption and tough guy attitude are part of the Ford mindset, so by changing it you are practically selling out.

And the second mindset is that this is a natural change, in order to adapt to more modern times. Although it is not set in stone, they may first introduce these new and bold concepts when the 2015 Ford Mustang will arrive. And that’s brilliant because it is not forced down the customer’s throat.

Don’t like diesel or electric? Well just don’t buy one. I know it’s a cliché to say this but you really do get to vote with your wallet on this one. Details have not been given about the car price just yet, but it really shows courage.

You have to realize as an auto manufacturer that half your customers will be progressive and others will be nostalgic and conservative . Truly the perfect business really manages to satisfy one of these needs, without alienating the others. Only time will tell if the shift to diesel will actually work. But in the field led by innovation, Ford is finally catching up.

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