FIA Institute Young Driver Excellence Academy in Challenge

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The second day of the 2012 FIA Institute Young Driver Excellence Academy saw the drivers challenged both mentally and physically, across racing, interview and aptitude tests.

The coaches were looking at every aspect of the drivers’ skills, not just in terms of their existing knowledge and talent, but also their potential for the future.

Having been introduced to some basic driving exercises on the opening day of the selection process, the pressure was stepped up several notches on the track. Rather than road cars, the drivers took to the track in race-prepared BMW M3s putting out more than 300 horsepower.

The drivers took part in a number of different driving exercises designed to test their car control and reactions. They returned to the skidpan to repeat some of yesterday’s tests at higher speed and were then put through a series of exercises to judge their understanding of vehicle dynamics.

In one of those tasks, they had to complete a series of laps within the most consistent lap time possible, without being able to refer to key instruments such as the speedometer and rev counter. In another, they drove a lap in the highest gear possible, to teach them about smoothness and conservation of momentum: safety skills that are equally applicable to the normal road as the racetrack.

But one of the most challenging aspects of the day was off the track, where they faced an intensive 25-minute interview with the Academy performance managers, Robert Reid and Alex Wurz. They asked a series of questions, designed to heap varying degrees of pressure on the drivers.

They were designed to get the drivers thinking about their answers and reveal something of their true personalities and attitudes towards competition and safety. They were also formulated to reveal the drivers’ approach to learning and career progression.

A further session concentrated on computer-based exercises designed to test the drivers’ abilities to multi-task, sometimes under pressurised circumstances. A good memory and disciplined approach is a vital skill at the very top level, with drivers having to process variable and complex information at the same time as driving a car to the best of their abilities.

Alex Wurz, Academy Performance Manager, said: “Today we slowly increased the pressure on the driving tasks, with great feedback from instructors. For the interviews, it has been very interesting to note that the coverage of the first year of the Academy obviously influences the preparation that the drivers have made. They are extremely well prepared and they know a lot about the FIA Institute objectives and safety programmes. They also have a clear idea of where they want to go in their own careers.”

As the selection event progresses, the coaches are beginning to compile a fuller profile of each participant. Fitness is a major factor at the top level of motor sport and data from yesterday’s gym session has been collated and analysed. All of the drivers at the selection event will be given tips on how they can improve their fitness, regardless of whether they make it through to the Academy.

Dr Tony Turner, the Academy coach in charge of the physical fitness element, said: “We put the drivers through a range of different tests yesterday, looking at different factors that are relevant to driving performance. As expected, we have a big spread in fitness levels. But even those who are at the fitter end of the scale all have weaknesses that can be worked on. So with the appropriate feedback and advice, whether they are selected into the programme or not, they should be able to improve their fitness and learn something from these few days.

“A number of drivers performed well in the endurance-sapping Beep Test but all still have some way to go. Five drivers achieved Level 13, which is an excellent score for a team athlete. But any driver in Formula One would be expected to consistently reach Level 14 and beyond.”

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