Experts: Regular tires and brakes inspection could save lives in UAE

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Before the beginning of 2014, many traffic safety experts have called for motorists and road users in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to carry out timely inspections on their vehicles’ tires and brakes.

At this account, experts indicated the contributing factors to stopping distance speed are related to condition of brakes and tires, and road conditions as well.

In the UAE in specific, many traffic crashes are ascribed to malfunctioning brakes and worn out tires along with high speeds, and recklessness of the remarkably reduced stopping distances related to these factors leads to deaths on the road that could be prevented.

Asad Badami, Managing Director for A-MAP, the region’s leading distributor of aftermarket automotive spare parts, batteries, tires and lubricants, said: “Good brakes slow the rotation of wheels, and how quickly the wheels stop crucially depends on how much grip tyres have on the surface of the road, so worn tires and brakes can be a disaster waiting to happen.”
“The most common form of transport in this country is cars, and with the excessive driving on a daily basis occurring here, low tread on tires significantly increases the braking distance of a vehicle. Combined with the high speeds on UAE roads, unchecked tires and brakes could contribute to injuries and deaths on the roads. And the safety of a car rests on a driver’s ability to stop quickly and effectively, “he added.
“Tires are a relatively low cost safety feature and given that the life expectancy of a well-maintained tire is up to 60,000km, the running cost is not one that is prohibitive when they need to be replaced,” he added.
A-MAP’s European engineered FENIX branded tires have been produced to the strictest European standards, and have been certified for the UAE. With the UAE’s climate one of the detrimental factors affecting tire performance, FENIX tires have a very well designed tread pattern and have been engineered using cutting edge technology to withstand the heat. ASIMCO brake pads, also distributed by A-MAP, have a highly recognized reputation for good quality and excellence.
“A regular inspection of a vehicle’s braking system will ensure the brakes are of good quality and safe. It is also important to note any changes in the feel of the brake pedal, such as feeling soft or making contact with the floor, and immediately having the brakes checked and ultimately replaced. An accident caused by faulty brakes is potentially preventable if the public are aware of the early warning signs,” said Badami.


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