Expanding Business… Air Liquid SA

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With Hydrogen powered cars gaining momentum in the global marketplace, the Air Liquide SA  which is a French based industrial gas-maker company has announced that they are to build 60 hydrogen fuel stations around the world.

The company has also declared their collaboration with Linde AG in September and their plan to expand their business in Germany by opening 100 hydrogen stations by the year 2017 and 400 by the year 2023.

Mr. Pierre Etienne Franc  who is the head honcho of the Advanced Business and Technology department said in an interview about the territories like Germany and France require more than 1000 stations. He also went on to add, establishing these fuel cells will cost  around 10 bn Euros which is more than $13 billion, solitary in Europe.

A market survey indicated that sales of hydrogen powered vehicles  will be upped especially because of the rising costs of Gasoline. A sales graph also showed tens of thousands of sales by 2025 as calculated by Hyundai’s Marketing manager. As said by Mr. Pichot while handing the first two keys to hydrogen fuel based cars during the registration process with Air Liquide SA, in France.

Mr. Franc also added, If we do not want to burn our planet then in the next 10 to 20 years we have to shift to hydrogen fuelled cars because we have no choice if we want to have a de-carbonated conveyances. As the world is running short of natural fuels, and battery vehicles do not provide autonomy and hybrids are definitely not the answer.

Noted countries such as Germany, Japan and the United States of America have begun the promotion of fuel cells based cars and also outlined the program to open the filling stations for the hydrogen based cars. The cost estimated by the Air Liquide’s Franc is between 1 million euro to 800,000 euros per unit.

Air Liquide which are renowned gas makers saw a prominent sale of hydrogen in 2012, with sales touching almost 1.9 bn Euro mainly to processing plant and petro-chemicals maker, they say the stakes are extremely high. Mr. Pichot also promoted by saying the fuel cell based vehicles will be necessary be it high-edged cars or a frugal maintenance car. With rising taxes on carbon dioxide, it will trim down the overall cost of the tenure.

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