Everything You Need to Know about the New Smiling Emojis on the UAE Roads

Everything You Need to Know about the New Smiling Emojis on the UAE Roads

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Motorists will find big smiling emojis along the Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Road while entering the northern area of the country by this road. The newly added emojis along the road express the consistency in efforts of the traffic authorities to launch unique initiatives for raising awareness about safe driving among motorists. These smiling emojis convey the message of safe driving in an encouraging way as this new initiative is part of the strategy by traffic authorities to make the UAE roads safe for commuters. The launch of such unique initiatives by concerned authorities is nothing new to the UAE motorists as authorities have increased their efforts in 2017 to improve the well-being and safety of motorists.

بهدف نشر السعادة بين مستخدمي الطرق الاتحادية وتشجيعهم على استخدام أرقام التواصل المخصصة للصيانة الطارئة ” 80088889″، باشرت إدارة الطرق في وزارة تطوير البنية التحتية وضمن مبادرة ” #نباك_سالم” الذي تم تنفيذها من قبل شركة بيسلر، برسم الأيقونة المخصصة للسعادة على مداخل الإمارات شمال الدولة ضمن طريق الشيخ محمد بن زايد والكتابة بالثلاث لغات العربية والإنجليزية والأوردو كلمة “قد بأمان” التوعوية، على أن تستكمل المبادرة على خلال الفترة المقبل لتشمل مختلف الطرق الاتحادية التي أشرفت على تنفيذها الوزارة، باعتبارها الذراع التنفيذي للحكومة الاتحادية. ‎#وزارة_تطوير_البنية_التحتية #الإمارات #مشاريع_الإمارات #uae #مشاريع_وزارة_تطوير_البنية_التحتية #٢٠١٧. #2017 #الطرق_الإتحادية #moiduae #برق_الإمارات #شبكة_عميد_الإمارات للمزيد من المعلومات Www.moid.gov.ae ‎الرقم الموحد ٦٠٠٥٠٠٥٠٠ ‎الرقم المجاني ٨٠٠٦٦٧٩ والمخصص للاستفسارات المتعلقة بالإسكان والطرق والملاحظات والشكاوي

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Details on the New Road Safety Initiative

The new road safety initiative has been launched by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development in the UAE. The main objective of this initiative is to make motorists realize the importance of road safety in a cordial way. “Drive Safely” is written underneath the emojis in Arabic, English and Urdu so that the maximum number of motorists, including expats and residents of the UAE, can understand the core objective of this new initiative.

The Director of Roads at Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, Ahmed Al Hammadi, said that the new initiative aims to make the UAE roads safer than before and targets the well-being of society and road users. He encouraged motorists to call at 80088889 in case of an emergency on any road or for vehicle maintenance requests. The authorities plan to introduce these big smiling emojis on all major federal roads in order to educate motorists about road safety in a friendlier way for a better effect.

Timeline of Unique Initiatives Taken by Traffic Authorities in 2017

Placing emojis along the roads is a new and unique initiative, but this is not the first time that the traffic authorities have done something out-of-the-box to raise awareness about a particular cause that directly impacts the safety and well-being of motorists.

Listed below are some of the most recent initiatives launched by road and traffic authorities in different parts of the UAE that have played an important part in restoring the safety on all major roads.

Child Safety Seat Policy

A new child safety seat policy has recently been introduced in the UAE, which aims at standardizing the child safety seats in vehicles for better safety of children. Read our complete blog on the new child safety policy for complete details.

RTA Painted the Roads in Red Color

In June, the Road and Transport Authority in Dubai painted roads in red color to highlight a change in speed limit on multiple major roads. Read our blog to learn more about this initiative.

New Traffic Law Implementation to discourage reckless driving

The newly amended traffic law was implemented on July 1, 2017. The amended law introduced tougher penalties for motorists that committed dangerous traffic violations.

Tinting Limit for Car Windows Extended up to 50%

In July, the tinting limit for car windows was extended up to 50% in the UAE in order to increase the comfort of driving in the hot weather of the UAE.

Summer without Accidents Campaign

Summer without Accidents Campaign kicked off in July 2017. The authorities raised awareness about road safety and educated motorists about the importance of maintenance of vehicles in the summer season. The campaign focused heavily on car tyre maintenance in order to minimize the incidences of tyre blowouts.

An RAK Police Officer Wore a Seatbelt on the Road to Exhibit Road Safety

In May, an RAK Police Officer wore a seatbelt while directing traffic on the road as part of the Buckle-up and Smile Campaign of the RAK Police. The campaign aimed at making motorists realize the importance of wearing a seatbelt while driving.


All these unique and effective initiatives have been launched by the UAE traffic authorities in order to improve the well-being and safety of all commuters. These encouraging initiatives have helped to bridge the communication gap between authorities and motorists, which has improved the sense of responsibility among motorists. These efforts by authorities have been productive as the road safety situation in the UAE has improved significantly in 2017 as compared to the year 2016, which was a bad year for road safety in the UAE.

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Image Credit: UAE Ministry of Infrastructure and Development Instagram

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