Essential Tips For New Inexperienced Drivers

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A study carried out indicates that a large number of novice drivers and motorists aged below 25 got involved in car accidents. This has created an awareness call that demands immediate assistance with an extra help to different road situations. This has also attributed to a list of the most useful tips that can help the young generation tackle challenges on the road.

1. A new driver is advised to follow up the basic training with some further driving education in the form of the Pass Plus scheme which teaches how to drive in busy towns, all kinds of weather, on motorways and at night among others.

2. When you buy any car from the car export centers, make sure you know all the buttons, switches and features in addition to how to activate and deactivate the desperate them.

3. Getting on two wheels makes you a far better driver on four. This enables one also avoid bumping into reckless drivers on the road.

4. Driving fast exceeding speed limit is just asking for trouble, know your track when to drive fast or slow.

5. Check your blind spot every time you change lane or turn right. This is a safety measure that avoids you from bumping into other road users. It’s also recommended not to driver in someone’s blind spot which can cause direct collusion of cars.

6. Use the left lane on the motorway for normal driving and leave others for overtaking and when use your car indicators to signal changing the lane.

7. It’s a felony using handheld phones while driving though even hands-free car kits are not safe because of the brain work load which deters the brain’s quick decision making.

8.Stop offering lifts to friends that negatively influence your driving skills through making you over speed, spin the wheels and show off that can cause accidents.

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