Emergency Brake Assist– An Essential Car Safety Feature for Safe Braking

Emergency Brake Assist– An Essential Car Safety Feature for Safe Braking

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Cars these days are equipped with a number of fundamental and advanced safety features to ensure the safety of driver and passengers. While there are a few safety systems in cars that reduce the severity of injuries caused by dangerous road accidents, some other safety features minimize the probability of a dangerous road collision. Emergency Brake Assist is a car safety feature that enhances the braking power when a driver applies brakes in emergency and makes sure that the vehicle stops quickly to avoid a collision. Emergency Brake Assist works in tandem with the Anti-lock Brake System to avoid the locking of wheels in case of emergency braking.

Emergency Brake Assist is Different to Automatic Emergency Braking System

Many car safety features have similar names and corresponding functionalities and that is why car buyers are mostly confused about their functionality and scope. Emergency Brake Assist can also be confused with Automatic Emergency Braking System because of their similar names and fundamental functionality that refers to braking system in a vehicle.  But if we take a closer look at the concept and principle functionality of these two essential car safety features then they come out as entirely different systems designed to aid in different ways and capacities.

Automatic Emergency Braking System is more advanced in a sense that it automatically applies brakes in case it detects a collision with a vehicle or any object ahead. On the other hand, the Emergency Brake Assist works on the principle of providing maximum force for braking to help a vehicle stop appropriately in case of a panic braking by the driver. Emergency Brake Assist does not apply brakes automatically and relies on the driver for applying brakes. It supports to provide maximum force while applying the brakes for an instant stop so that the chance of a dangerous collision can be reduced. This is how these two braking systems differ from each other and have their individual importance to ensure to safety in modern day cars.

Understanding the Importance of Automatic Emergency Braking System

Also read: Understanding the Importance of Automatic Emergency Braking System

How Emergency Brake Assist Works

Emergency Brake Assist follows a very simple principle to avoid a fatal collision. This car safety system can either be associated with an electric control unit or it can work as a mechanical system. The fundamental setting of this system involves defining a threshold for braking and it adds to the braking power required, if the driver applies brakes hard enough. The system has a predefined threshold which actually dictates the level of pressing the brake paddle as normal braking or emergency braking, once the driver presses the brake hard enough that it goes beyond normal braking, the system activates. When activated, the application of maximum force on brakes reduces the time required to get a vehicle to a complete stop and minimizes the probability of a fatal collision.

The electrically controlled unit is adaptable and can set a braking threshold based on the braking behavior of the driver in an emergency or panic situation. But in case of the mechanical Emergency Brake Assist, it requires the mechanically adjusted pre-set threshold which cannot change once it is set. In both the systems, when the thresholds is crossed, the locking mechanism takes over the braking control from the conventional brake piston and provides extra force through a brake booster in order to stop a vehicle instantly.

How Emergency Brake Assist Works

Usefulness of the Emergency Brake Assist

Imagine a situation where suddenly a cyclist from the other side of the road comes right in front of your vehicle and you have to apply brakes instantly no matter how fast you were driving. Drivers can usually panic in such a situation and can at times misjudge the force required to apply the brakes. The Emergency Brake Assist understands such panic braking behavior of the driver based on pre-set braking threshold and adds to the braking power even if the driver doesn’t apply the brakes with the required force for an instant stop. In case of an emergency braking, drivers tend to move their foot too quickly towards brake paddle and at times their foot lands on the brake paddle in an awkward position that restricts their ability to properly apply the force required for emergency braking. With emergency brake assist, the driver only has to cross the predefined threshold in order to activate the emergency braking assist which then applies the maximum force required to stop the car.

Limitations of the Emergency Brake Assist

Like a majority of car safety features, the Emergency Brake Assist is also dependent on the attention of the driver on the road while driving. This system lacks a radar sensor or any other advanced tools to monitor the roads itself, thus it only helps when a driver applies brakes in emergency. In an emergency situation, where the driver fails to apply brakes in time, the Emergency Brake Assist will be of no assistance as it cannot automatically stop a vehicle. This is why drivers should always be attentive while driving and understand that Emergency Brake Assist can provide great support in an emergency braking situation only if it detects braking commands from the driver. The pre-set emergency braking thresholds are usually higher so that this car safety features doesn’t halt the traditional braking system in normal driving situations.

Importance of Emergency Brake Assist for Road Safety in the UAE

Road safety in the UAE has been a constant concern for traffic authorities in the UAE with motorist violating traffic rules for one reason or another and reckless driving causing a number of fatal road accidents. Run-over accidents have also increased in the UAE according to recent reports and such dreadful accidents result from less-forceful application of brakes by drivers. In situations like this, Emergency Brake Assist can be of significant importance as it will improve the braking power in emergency braking and stop a vehicle instantly, thus eliminating the risk of a run-over accident.

Looking to buy a new car with Emergency Brake Assist pre-installed in it? Don’t forget that with us, you can sell any used car in just 30 minutes while all the post-sale paperwork is handled by SellAnyCar.com’s team.

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