Emarati “future car” shows off in Shell Exhibition

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youth ambitions nowadays goes beyond getting A+ on their exam paper, real success to them means creativity and doing your best to innovate and excel. some of those young generation decided to take their step into future by making the “future car”. With all the meanings this name carry within its simple words, it means that this generation really aspires for the best and none the less. The situation that has been expressed by Ahmed Alharby, the student studying Mechatronics and his colleagues studying mechanical engineering whom cooperated together to design and build an environment friendly car which they called “Future Car” putting all what they learned into practice with this project which they plan to take globally soon.

The whole idea started when Shell announced organizing “shell environmental marathon”, the event during which colleges are planned to compete in one environmental friendly marathon. The event is planned to take place in February, 2014.


Ahmed Alharby said: “We got support from Shell during this project. Building the car was really a big challenge that I wanted to face, it was also really exciting to put everything I learned into practice in the field. Me and my friends used our engineering skills to build the car, I was personally responsible for the driving system in the car, including the engine, the gearbox, and the clutch. I had to take into consideration all the aspects of the car including its weight with the driver in to ensure the best performance with optimum fuel consumption”.

Alharby also said that every one of the team members chose a task to accomplish and the roles were decided in a way to ensure the maximum productivity and benefit to the project.

Alharby also mentioned that his friendship with his friends goes way back and that their common interest in this field has been a key factor in the success of this project. He also added that their mutual interest in the environmental safety is what urged them to take this huge challenge. Alaraby also said regarding the biggest challenge they faced when they were making this car: The biggest challenge was collecting the parts from all over the world as we couldn’t get all the part here in UAE which forced us into importing the part from other countries like Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, and The United States of America and other countries, we also faced a great challenge in dividing out time between studying and moving on with the project at the same time.

Regarding any concerns he have, Alharby said: I’m mainly concerned about transporting the car, the distance between UAE and Manila is very long and I’m afraid any damage can happen to the car.

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