Educating the drivers

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Your car may be the most expensive technological product that you owned so did you ask yourself before about the information you know about the technology in your car when an internal crash occurs in your car which requires to be repaired at the mechanic and does not necessarily have to be trustworthy. Owning a car is the last of things that may even make smart people feel stupid according to Trevor Trania, director and founder of a famous cars website where he said: “whenever smart people feel stupid, we have an opportunity to work.

Most of the cars sites provide a service for helping consumers in buying and selling the cars but the Trevor Trania’s website focuses on what the consumer needs when he owns a car. To take advantage of the website’s services, the user can register for free on the website in addition to determine the type of car and year of manufacturing, and its own zip code. After completing the registration procedures, the website provides the user with information about the things that should be made ​​for the next examination of his/her car and the purchasing value of the car in the market as well as informing the use how to identify any manipulation attempt during buying or selling any car. The user of the website can subscribe to the e-mail alert service in order to get all the new news or reports related to this sector.

John Dunning, CEO and one of the website’s founders which was founded in San Francisco in 2007 with the aim of providing information to consumers about the cars’ care said: “the skill lies in finding all the information, sending and presenting these information very well”. To facilitate access to the data and make them available all the time, the owners of this website were able to make a partnership with some important companies in the automotives sector especially with the auto parts agencies in order to provide the prices of spare parts.

With this, it seems that the search engine at the website needs to be further developed where the performance of the Google search engine gives better results when it comes to searching for problems in cars so with a simple toolbox and some repair instructions in both engines, you likely are able to provide the costs of repairing your car at the repair shops very easily.



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