Dubai Police reserves a classic car and violates its owner

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Mohammed Saif Al Zafeen, the major general engineer and the general manager of Dubai traffic department in Dubai Police announced for reserving a normal classic carbecause its owner has installed the lighting tool of the police on the top of his car that made the rest of the cars give him the way to go through where they were thinking that he belongs to the police and there is an emergency situation. Maj. Gen. Alzaffinsaid that this car belongs to a young Emirati who was turning on this tool on the roads of Dubai specifically in Jumeirah Street which violates the laws and regulations of trafficin the State where the departmenthas called a patrol of traffic to stophim and reserve the car right away.

Maj. Gen. Mohammed Saif Al Zafeenconfirmed that the external appearance of the car is also similar with the appearance of the police cars in some European countries where the type of the car is Chevroletwith white in black color. He pointed out that this violation happened recently when the car was walking on the JumeirahStreet in Dubai and the owner began to turn on the police tool where someone saw him on the street near to his home and he immediately contacted one of the police patrols that was close to the place where the police departmenttracked the vehicle and stopped it, and reserved it immediately with taking all the required and legal steps against the owner of this car.

The Maj. Gen. Mohammed Saif Al Zafeenmentioned that the police department has recorded modifications to the vehicle violationin addition to recording other violation which is walking with a car that similar to the police’s vehicles plus the reserving of the vehicle. Maj. Gen. Mohammed Saif Al Zafeen  mentioned that the UAE law prohibits the conduct of such vehicles on the public roads in the state and prevents the police cars from doing their jobs which are protecting the people and recording any violation on the road right away so the owner of the vehicle has committed many traffic violations according to the law where the value of the first violation is 400 AED and recording three black dots and other violation which is 1000 AED and reservation fortwo months in addition to a violation of 100 AEDand recording a black dot for adding some modifications to the vehicle which are not legalaccording to the law.



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