Dubai Police Starts Using Drones to Enhance Traffic Monitoring

Dubai Police begins Using Drones to Enhance Traffic Monitoring

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Dubai Police has started using drones to monitor traffic situation across the emirate. This is a new initiative taken by the traffic authorities to improve the road safety situation and to find a solution for some of Dubai’s major traffic problems. Dubai is a metropolitan city with a high expatriate ratio that makes the traffic culture of the emirate extremely diverse. This diversity in traffic culture is one of the major reasons behind increasing traffic problems in the emirate as expats who belong to different countries find it difficult to adapt to the driving conditions and traffic rules in Dubai. Apart from the high expatriate ratio, another factor that adds to the traffic problems in Dubai is its resident to car ratio (2:1), which is the highest resident to car ratio in the world.

What makes the traffic problems in Dubai even worse is the reckless driving behavior exhibited by young motorists. These are some of the reasons behind frustrating traffic jams and other traffic problems in Dubai. Traffic authorities have continuously made efforts to find a long-term solution for traffic problems in the emirate and now they have introduced drones to improve the road safety standards by proactively monitoring the traffic situation and dangerous violations committed by motorists.

How the New Drone Technology will Work?

The new drones introduced by Dubai Police will monitor the traffic and provide live broadcast of traffic jams and other traffic problems faced by motorists, especially during peak hours. These drones will be linked to the Police operations rooms where officers will be able to watch the live broadcast of traffic and take necessary actions as per requirement. The new drones will use 4G technology to monitor traffic and will be controlled from the command room.

The high-speed 4G technology will help drones provide information about real-time traffic situation and cover large parts of the city. These drones will be equipped with long-lasting batteries for nonstop functioning over a longer period of time. The live broadcast technology was introduced for the first time in 2008 by Dubai Police and since then, the authorities have improved the standard of these technologies and made them an integral part of their fleet including patrolling cars and bikes. These drones can also be used for different purposes in addition to monitoring traffic, such as, security surveillance, emergency situations, relief efforts and a lot more.

Also read: Smart Services by Dubai Police Becoming Popular among Motorists

Official Statement about the Launch of New Drone Technology

Brigadier Dr. Khalid Al Merri, Deputy Director of Department of Operations for Communications, said that the new drone technology will assist traffic authorities in taking timely decisions in sending help for emergency situations or to improve the flow of traffic by regularly monitoring the traffic situation across the emirate. The recordings of drones can also be later used for training purposes.

He added that by monitoring the live broadcast of traffic from the command room, authorities can easily alert motorists through social media, radio or other channels in a traffic jam situation or if any area is cordoned off by the Police because of a natural disaster or as a result of a serious road accident. He said that drones will make the city secure by covering large areas of Dubai.

Also read: Dubai Police Urges Motorists to Report Minor Accidents through Smart App

Traffic Authorities Continue to Improve the Traffic Monitoring Standards

The drone technology is expected to become better with time and it can certainly provide a sustainable solution for long-standing traffic problems in Dubai. From routine traffic monitoring for maintaining a smooth flow of traffic to deploying quick response services for the well-being of motorists, the new drone technology is a much-needed initiative taken by authorities to improve the road safety situation for motorists in Dubai. Traffic authorities have been at the forefront of introducing some of the latest traffic monitoring technologies in Dubai and across the UAE to provide motorists with state-of-the-art facilities as per global standards.

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