Which Driver Personality Do You Adopt on the UAE Roads?

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If you have been on the UAE roads long enough, you will realize that some drivers have  diverse negative personalities based on their behavior towards other drivers. We have categorized the different personalities here and maybe you might want to ask yourself whether you fall into any of these categories. It will also help you to know how to react when another driver displays any of these:

The Teacher: Have you seen this driver who is always correcting others on the road? They will stop in the middle of the road to tell you about a mistake you made and they actually expects you or others to recognize the time they have taken to ‘teach’ you road rules.

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The Know-it-all: These ones believe that they are the best drivers and everyone around them has no idea how to get around on the road. This type rolls down windows to shout and scream at others condescendingly and at times they can be insulting.


The Competitor: This one will never give you way and as far as they are concerned, you have no right to get ahead of them. In fact they will engage in a car chase simply because you have overtaken them.

The Punisher: Road rage is a punisher’s personality. They have no problem jumping out of their cars to rant at you for a perceived mistake or inconvenience to them. They like pointing fingers and hitting things and if challenged they can actually lose control and get into a fist fight.


The Avoider: Avoiders are impersonal and they dismiss traffic offenses from other drivers by believing that the others are hazards on the road and should be avoided.

The Escapee: This ones avoid road frustration by either listening to music or being on the phone and effectively avoid any social connections with other drivers. They basically insulate themselves from others, third party traffic behaviors or reactions by keeping to themselves.

This personality analysis means that if you are looking to buy any car, you need to be psychologically prepare to deal with different personalities in the Emirates roads and conduct yourself within legal and considerate behavior of other drivers. Keep safe on the roads!

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