How to drive in Dubai

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Driving around in Dubai is not at all an easy task and can become quite a scary experience for some people. Drivers in Dubai are required to adjust their driving style and techniques according to the conditions there. For someone who is not used to the large and fast roads of Dubai will face several difficulties here.

Here are some great tips that will help you learn what you should expect on Dubai roads.




Majority of road crashes on Dubai occur because cars do not keep a safe distance between each other. A general rule says that you should stay around three seconds away behind the car which is in front. This will allow you to maintain a safe space in between, minimizing accidents and traffic standstills.


Visibility can be another issue while driving on the roads of Dubai. Several Dubai cars have extremely poor peripheral vision because of the dark windows. It is important that they switch on the car’s headlights whenever needed so that accidents can be minimized.




Dubai had begun to see a lot of speeding cars on the roads. These sporty things loved to go super fast, jeopardizing the safety of both the car and the driver. This issue has started to improve lately and it is mainly attributed to the installation of speed cameras as well as setting the speed limit at 100. However, you will still find some drivers on Dubai roads who will drive as if they are playing a computer game. The best advice is to stay out of their way. It is safer to pull over while they are coming and let them pass you by.


Trucks in Dubai are a nuisance. Stay as far away from them while driving as you can. The trucks are unable to come at a halt immediately and are often not able to see cars that are alongside them or that skid in front of them quickly. Beware of them.

Wet and Foggy weather

Many people driving in Dubai make the mistake of driving at an excessive speed during this weather. The best option in such times is to slow down and stay in the second or slow lane. If there is a sandstorm or a fog patch, the visibility will get way too poor. In such times it is better to just pull over. Another issue is when it rains hard in Dubai, the roads tend to flood and the drainage system is unable to cope with the wet conditions. It is better to stay home in these Dubai weather conditions.

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