Dh500 Fine and 30 Days Vehicle Impounding for Over-tinting in the RAK

Fine for Over-tinting in RAK

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Over-tinting a car in the RAK will now lead to severe penalties as RAK Police has adopted a zero-tolerance policy for this traffic violation. According to Article No. 32 of the New Traffic Law, 30% brown color tinting is allowed by authorities for rear and side windows of a car and anything above that will be considered illegal. In recent times, over-tinting of cars has caused few serious accidents on roads in RAK and this is why authorities have announced serious penalties for this violation. Motorists must be aware now that tinting a car more than the permissible 30% limit, will be penalized with Dh500 fine and 30 days impounding of their vehicle.

Awareness Campaign on Avoiding Over-tinting of Cars

The RAK Police and Traffic Authorities have started a new initiative to make motorists aware of dangers of over-tinting cars. The Director General of the Central Operations Department RAK Police, Brigadier Dr. Mohammad Saeed Al Humaidi said that ignoring this rule is fatal for other road users. He said it was the duty of all motorists to make roads safe by avoiding over-tinting of their cars. As a part of this campaign, almost 25,000 brochures have been distributed among drivers in order to make them aware of the risks of over-tinting and penalties associated with it.

Zero-Tolerance Policy for Over-tinting cars in the RAK

The Traffic authorities and Law Enforcement Departments in RAK have announced a zero-tolerance policy for over-tinting cars. No one in the RAK will be able to escape penalties, neither the fine nor the impoundment of vehicle. In order to not miss a single violation, the RAK authorities have planned to install more advanced devices in the city.

Also Read: Impounded Vehicles’ Count Rises in Sharjah and RAK

A Good Alternative to Over-tinting

People in RAK and other areas of Middle East over-tint their cars to avoid the direct penetration of radiations from sun especially in summer. Over-tinting, however, is not a suitable solution to sort out this issue. Motorists can use the permissible 30% tinting limit and wear sunglasses to minimize effect of radiations from sun. This is a very reasonable and safe alternative to over-tinting a car.

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