Desert driving in the UAE

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The vast stretch of desert that lies outside the Abu Dhabi in the Western Region is perfect for adrenaline fuelled off-road driving. With 300 meters high dunes and long sand valley, you’ll never get jaded of desert driving. Rent a 4W drive from Abu Dhabi, get a superior map and explore to your heart’s content – but never go out alone, always make definite that there is more than one vehicle. From there, the party heads to old settlements and camel farms for what is a truly mesmerizing look at conventional nomadic desert lifestyles. Guests can enjoy a few hours down-time, or go for a trip to see a impressive cadre of desert animals, before settling in to their tents for a night under the stars

The key to driving on sand is to maintain controlled thrust. Make sure that you are in 4WD mode and stick to the lower gears. Selecting the correct gear and engine revs will come with experience, but try not to under accelerate when tackling soft sand. The more you practice, the more you’ll be able to predict where your vehicle is going to resist, and change down a gear before you hit the difficult patches. Sand driving should be like surfing in the dunes, not plough through them. It is usually better to travel with the direction of the dunes with the direction of the wind). But be careful while you may find it simple going with the flow on the way, it gets a bit tricky if you find yourself going back against it when you turn around. Existing tracks normally characterize the best route. If there are no tracks, plan a route that seems the easiest and limits damage to plants. Then you should only be using the accelerator, and barely touching the brakes or clutch. The general aim is to gain enough momentum going down to allow you to coast over the top of the next dune smoothly. In addition to keeping your momentum going at crucial points and learns to analyze the sand. Also make sure about the car basics like car tires are properly inflated, Gear box working correctly and fuel in the tank. Enjoy the deserts but also safety must comes first and ensure you enjoy exhilarating tracks of UAE

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