Dense Fog Hits the UAE – Everything You Need to Know about Driving Safely in Foggy Conditions

Dense Fog Hits the UAE – Everything You Need to Know about Driving Safely in Foggy Conditions

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Dense fog has hit multiple areas across the UAE and motorists have been urged by traffic authorities to follow safe driving practices to avoid dangerous road situations. Slippery road conditions and extremely low visibility in dense fog can make driving considerably difficult even for seasoned drivers. It becomes more challenging for young drivers, especially those who lack any prior experience of driving in foggy conditions. The UAE traffic authorities have asked motorists to follow some basic road safety practices in dense fog such as leaving sufficient distance between vehicles and driving at a moderate speed to reduce the risk of a dangerous road accident.

Authorities Advise Motorists to be Extra Cautious

Motorists in the UAE have been challenged by extreme weather conditions across the country in the last couple of months. It started with heavy rainfall that hit multiple areas of the UAE in December 2017, followed by dense fog observed in multiple emirates throughout the winter season. A new wave of heavy fog has now engulfed most parts of the UAE and motorists were advised by Abu Dhabi Police on Wednesday, February 7, 2018, to remain extra cautious while driving in foggy conditions.

Abu Dhabi Police took to its Twitter account to warn motorists against heavy fog formation on highways and urged them to take necessary precautions in low visibility conditions.

Following are the possible difficulties that motorists can face in dense fog conditions:

  • Extremely low visibility
  • Slippery road conditions
  • Driving mistakes at the hands of inexperienced drivers
  • Long traffic delays
  • Reduced traction on roads

Dangerous Road Accidents Caused by Dense Fog

Dense fog has started to accumulate in different parts of the UAE from the beginning of this week. In Abu Dhabi, a dangerous pile-up collision between multiple vehicles left 22 people seriously injured on Tuesday, February 6, 2018. The incident occurred due to low visibility caused by dense fog at around 8:00 AM near the Kizad Bridge in Al Samha.

The investigation of the crash revealed that motorists committed dangerous driving mistakes including tailgating, over-speeding and disregard for road and weather conditions, which caused a dangerous accident.


The Abu Dhabi Department of Transport (DoT) tweeted safe driving practices that should be followed while driving in dense fog on the same day of the accident in order to urge motorists to be more careful.

In other dangerous accidents recorded across the UAE, three people suffered from minor to moderate injuries as traffic monitoring remained on high-alert in the areas affected by dense fog.

Also read: Safe Practices for Driving in the UAE’s Bad Weather

How to Drive Safely in Dense Fog?

Light fog doesn’t pose much of a challenge for motorists, however, dense fog can make it extremely difficult to drive safely because of low visibility conditions and wet roads. Motorists need to be extra careful while driving in such extreme weather conditions to avoid dangerous road situations. Motorists who don’t have any prior experience of driving in foggy conditions should avoid any unnecessary travelling or delay their trip until the dense fog ends.

Here are some of the most important safe driving tips you need to follow in foggy conditions:

  • Maintain safe distance from other vehicles on the road and allow yourself a longer stopping distance to apply brakes properly as roads become slippery and offer less traction in foggy conditions.
  • Be considerate of other commuters, especially the pedestrians, bikers and cyclists on the road. As frustrating it is for you, it is also frustrating for other commuters.
  • Avoid all distractions including the use of mobile phone, eating something or talking to other passengers while driving. Be reminded that even a minor lapse in concentration can have dangerous consequences when visibility is low because of dense fog.
  • Don’t drift from your lane suddenly as it can cause a dangerous road accident. If necessary, only change lanes by properly indicating other drivers and after ensuring that the other lane has sufficient space for you to change the lane.
  • If the visibility decreases to a dangerous extent, pull over, park your vehicle and wait for the conditions to become favorable for driving. Be sure to switch off your lights as it might cause other drivers to think that you are on the road and they may follow into your direction, thus creating a dangerous situation.
  • Stay tuned for weather updates and plan your trip accordingly to avoid driving in extremely dense fog.
  • Keep all the important parts of your vehicle well-maintained, especially the lights and windshield wipers. A complete car maintenance at the start of any season can keep your vehicle in the best condition to withstand any adverse weather conditions throughout the season.
  • Make use of your vehicle’s defoggers to defog your front and rear screens.
  • Use the heating of your vehicle’s air conditioning system to defog the side windows and the front screen by directing hot air towards them.



Also read: 7 Tips for Safe Driving in the Fog

Traffic Penalties for Exhibiting Unsafe Driving Behavior in Foggy Conditions

Motorists can face traffic penalties if they are found exhibiting unsafe driving behavior in foggy conditions. According to a new traffic rule made part of the new federal traffic law, motorists can be penalized if they don’t use their car lights properly in foggy conditions.

A fine of AED 500 and four black points can be issued against the driving license of a motorist for “driving in foggy weather without lights.” Motorists must use fog lights for a clearer view of the road ahead while driving in extremely foggy conditions. A proactive driving approach and practicing safe driving habits can easily help motorists to avoid a dangerous road situation induced by low visibility conditions in dense fog.

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