Compact SUV comparison

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After the very positive feedback we received only from the announcement of our ‘Small Luxury Car’ comparison test on our website, we decided immediately to extend this ‘comparison test’ idea into a comprehensive comparison test series, covering all different segments such as compact hatchbacks, compact sedan, mid-size SUVs and luxury SUVs, mid-size sedans as well as upper mid-size sedans and the exclusive luxury sedans.

And while the ‘Small Luxury Car’ comparison test has not been concluded yet, due to an interesting last-minute addition to the comparison which made us postpone the deadline for a few more day, we decided today to start with the second comparison test in our long-awaited comparison series, namely the ‘Compact SUV’ comparison test.
This Compact SUV segment has become one of the most popular and most successful segments in Europe, and it is becoming more and more popular in Egypt and many other Middle Eastern and North African countries.
This segment includes many different brands and models targeting completely different customers with different taste, different needs, different life-style and last but not least different wallets and bank accounts.
Some of the key-players in this segment are without doubt the Renault Duster, the KIA Sportage, the Nissan Qashqai, the Nissan Juke, the Hyundai iX35 and last but not least the luxurious BMW X1. Of course there are other Chinese compact SU

Vs as well, but unfortunately their importers in Egypt do not even have demo-cars of those models.

All of those models obviously target different customers and clients and in most cases do not compete with each others. That is why we will test and drive all these different models intensively over the next few days and weeks, in order to tell our viewers, readers and listeners which one would suit them most. So there will be no winners or losers in this comparison as they are not competing directly with each other.

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