How to have a clean cars

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1. Park the car out of direct sunlight. This prevents premature drying which can leave splotches on the paint.


2. Set everything you will need near the car.


3. Fill a bucket with water and add car wash soap in the quantity directed on its bottle.


4. Fill another bucket with plain water.


5. Check that all windows are closed and retract the antenna.


6. Hose off the car to loosen and soften the dirt. Don’t use a strong jet, as this can rub grit over the paint and scratch it. Try to aim the jet downwards on all surfaces. Aiming upwards around windows may cause water to dribble into the car if there are flaws in the rubber seals.


7. Pull the windshield wipers away from the windshield until they click into their propped position, away from the glass.


8. Soak a large wash mitt or sponge in the soapy water, being certain to wash out any dirt in it, and begin applying it to the car. Do not use a brush on the car body — this will leave little scratches.


9. Wash the car section by section, starting at the top. Circle around the car several times, washing lower areas with each round.


10. Rinse the dirt out of the wash mitt or sponge in the bucket with plain water frequently.


11. After one section is washed, rinse it with the hose before moving on. You don’t want the soap to dry on the paint and stain it.


12. As you progress, keep the entire car wet, as this will prevent droplets from drying on the paint and leaving water-spots. You want to be able to dry the car with towels before it air-dries.


13. Scrub the lower body and the wheels last, as these are the dirtiest, grittiest parts. It’s a good idea to use a separate wash mitt or sponge on the bottom.


14. Use a long, skinny wheel-brush for cleaning the openings of the wheels. If the wheels are very glossy, instead use a sponge or a mitt to clean them just as you would the car body after hosing off as much of the extra dirt.


15. Clean the tire sidewalls with a plastic brush.


16. At some point rinse the bottom of the car, from various angles, with a spray nozzle. This is particularly important when the car has been exposed to salt.


17. Dry the vehicle with fresh towels.

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