Is your child safe inside your car?

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Depending on recent studies, it’s been observed that the UAE has one of the highest rates of traffic fatalities in the world with a rate of 10,000 tragic crashes every year.

These results prompted the government officials to take firm procedures regarding the safety of people and especially of the parents and their children inside the vehicles.

It’s shocking to know that almost all of the children in the UAE are not being protected by seat belts inside the cars, and this leads to the fact that about 60% of the deaths of children due to traffic accidents.

Considering the previous statistics , it has been prohibited in the UAE for children under the age of 10 to sit in the front seat. Parents have to buckle them up in the back seat, and for the babies and toddlers they have to be put in child seats. These seats can protect them and reduce the tragic results for them.

You are not allowed to put your child or infant on

your lap, instead they need to be put in safety seats

which are appropriate for their ages.

For babies under the age of one – or under 9 kg –  they need

a rear-facing seats. There are certain requirements

that should be met like the angle of the seat it should

be at 45 degree to make the baby comfortable. You need to make sure that chest clip is on the chest of the baby at the level of his armpit and as for the harness straps they

should be at the shoulders or below them and you should leave a place that fits for one finger between the strap and the chest of the baby.

When your toddler weighs 9kg, then you can let him ride with face forward. Use the manual of the car seat to help you install the seat properly. You need to make sure that the straps of the shoulder are at or below shoulder level, and leave a space of one finger between the strap and the chest of the baby.

For children who are about 8 years old and

 between 18- 36 kg, parents should use booster

 seats in which the head of the child is supported

by the top of the booster. Use the vehicle’s shoulder

strap across the chest and the lap belt over the hips,

 lower than the stomach.

As for the children who are older, you can use the usual seat belts found in any vehicle , but never put more than one child in one seat. Always make sure that the belts are used in the right way.

Finally dear parents, don’t forget to protect yourselves too. Even if you are setting in the back seat you need to buckle yourselves. Be your children’s teacher and teach them the rules for safety.

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