Experts Warn Motorists to Check Car Tyres in Summers to Avoid Blowouts

car tyres blowouts in summer

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Summers are at their peak and the levels of heat are rising day by day. For car tyres to tolerate such high temperatures, they must stay in proper shape and health. Road Safety Experts are of the view that this summer season in the UAE will make it tougher for the car tyres to combat the heat and for that, the motorists need to get rid of the old and worn out tyres. The tyres which lose their shape can go well in winters and survive the whole season even but that is not the case in summers. It is very important to replace such tyres and if the car tyres are in decent condition, then checking their inflation levels at regular basis is very important.

Read Also: 5 Easy Ways to Save your Vehicle from Breaking Down This Summer

Importance of Maintenance of Tyres

Tyres need to be maintained throughout the year and not only the summer. It is important to check the tyres weekly or at least after every two weeks for their appropriate pressure and tread condition. The tyres in summers need to be checked more often as the heat penetrates into the tyres and causes premature wear and tear. Tyres usually get too old after every 30,000 kilometres and they then need to be changed but this number varies according to the road conditions you drive your car in mostly. Even if the tyres look good with reasonable tread condition but they produce significant noise, then it is very important to change the tyres. You cannot take a risk on the health of your car tyres especially in summer season as they become prone to damage in the hot weather. The Middle East countries where summer is at its peak now, the experts have issued a warning to the motorists to keep their car tyres properly maintained and get them changed if they don’t feed the best performance.

Read more about the Maintenance of the Car Tyres: Safety and Maintenance for Car Tyres

Car Experts and their Opinion on the Car Tyres in Summer

It gets difficult for the car tyres to stay in best shape if ill-maintained in the summers. Car experts have warned the motorists in UAE to keep checking their car tyres in the summer season to avoid the possible blowouts and the chance of occurrence of the dangerous accidents.

Read also: Regular tyres and brakes inspection could save lives in UAE

We shall share here some of the expert opinions about the maintenance of car tyres in summer.

The Project Director of Omani Road Safety Agency Sheida Simon Labbett says:

You must ensure that you maintain the right pressure in your tyres according to the load carried by your vehicle. He also believes that buying premium tyres from a reliable car tyres company is very Important to ensure that tyres last a longer with best performance. According to him, the manufacturing date of the tyres should be considered as the suitable criterion and not their buying date for judging the degradation of the tyres. The alignment of tyres must also be checked as poor alignment of the tyres can further lead to premature wear and tear in the tyres.

According to a US Transport Expert Glenn Havinoviski, the car tyres must be changed after every two years. The tyres condition should be monitored regularly and they must be changed earlier in the case of any premature damage detection resulting from several repairs and punctures. In his opinion, the serious deterioration of tyres starts in almost all climates once the tyres get 5 years old. It’s the rubber compound of the tyres that starts to harden and cracks become more evident as the tyres grow old. The levels of tolerance of the tyres decrease further in summers. In the UAE, six months old tyres are ideal to beat the heat of summer in the region.

The founder of the Road Safety UAE, Thomas Edelmann told that we have been witnessing tyre debris on a consistent basis in the UAE which highlights the escalated number of bursts and disintegration of tyres.

How high Temperatures lead to Tyres’ Blowout

The high temperatures in summers directly influence the functioning of the tyres. As the heat increases, the temperature of the tyres increases at pace and on the consistent basis. The hot air inside the tyres elevates and the pressure of the tyres increases to the extent that causes the blowout of the tyres. It can lead to a very hazardous road accident. The blowout occurs due to bursting of the tyre due to the loss of inflation pressure. In order to save your tyres from a potential bursting in the heat of the summer, it is necessary to keep getting the tyres checked for proper pressure and tread condition.

Read more on: How to Avoid a Tyre Blow Out

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